headius: the protobufs stuff makes me sad
headius: the annoying thing is a native protobufs binding to the Java library would be great! if they cared
but it seems like they don't care
I can see their viewpoint - from the outside, jruby is a marginal implementation
and if they don't care, it will be a second class citizen
But yes, ultimately, it is sad
if you guys put the work into making it awesome that'd be great
Antiarc: their viewpoint was more roflscaling MRI
they could, you know, implement more FFI-friendly/performant APIs in protobufs itself
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they were talking about calling back from native code into Ruby to use individual method calls to set members of a struct-alike
and I was like WTF don't do that, there's your problem
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yajl-ffi is 6x slower than the MRI C extension running an unspecified benchmark on an unspecified Ruby interpreter on unspecified hardware when it's doing total crazysauce like using the Ruby method protocol to construct a struct
no fucking shit sherlock, that sounds like a bad time
they control both sides of this binding as a single, atomically commitable monorepo
compared to what I've tried to do, this is fucking cake
when I've done FFI bindings, I've had to file issues with the upstream library to get them to add FFI-able APIs and limp along as they get added
that's the main argument against FFI, but if you control both the library and the language binding in the same repo then it should be way simpler and cleaner than getting a bunch of MRIcrap in your way
and you wind up with a library that's easy for any language with an FFI to bind to
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I totally agree with you, FWIW
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i.e. where and how do I use those eventHooks from ruby
mkristian: hmmm
well, it would be set_trace_func from Ruby
or the newer TracePoint stuff
let me see then
rtyler: it raining there?
hmm this merge looks indeed painful
mkristian: I'm confused how that fixed the bug
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oh duh
the new list was empty but the last entry which was the new eventHook
it wasn't copying
enebo: it is raining, I'm in a big fuckoff skyscraper though, so none of it affects me now
ick...I wonder if that was me
well, it was an easy fix ;)
there's people who are working from home because their commute would be a little longer
rtyler: hah
it's so silly
Hi all. I was wondering if anyone here has had experience running warbler (and bundler) using only maven without a system jruby installation?
rtyler: looks like some SF folks have sand bags outside their businesses. I guess living a bottom of hill might mean some highly localized flooding
headius: hiya
electrical: hello
jumex: lots of it here
well, you need to run warbler with jruby-complete
but that's not hard to do
headius: do you know if a recent build has been created for jruby 9? the last one we used broke :-)
rtyler: I figured I needed jruby-complete. Good to know that is the right path. I think where I am getting stuck is that I am not sure how to bundle all my gems up so that warbler exists and can use them.
electrical: I think ruby-build should be using the right tarball now...what do you use?
I'll double-check that snapshots are still being made properly
jumex: have you tried using bundler installing into a specified path?
we were using this one: jruby (2.2.0p0) 2014-11-18 0cfdfe5 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.25-b02 on 1.8.0_25-b17 +jit [linux-amd64]
haven't updated rbenv yet
ok, filename has changed since then
wanted to make sure first if a more recent build was made :-)
indeed there is...let me update our silly index.html for it
hehe okay :-)
ruby-build should do the right thing...I believe they merged my last PR
will update rbenv on our jenkins node and re-test
rtyler: That is one path I was following, but I was having a hard time getting maven to recognize the GEM_HOME/GEM_PATH I set up.
maven doesn't install the gems or anything like that with warbler jumex
So, I am thinking the steps are: 1) get jruby-complete, 2) use it to gem install bundler to a path, which I check in with my project, 3) use antrun with jruby-complete to run bundle install from maven, 4) use antrun with jruby-complete to run warble.
that's a maven failure of some kind
rtyler: yeah, that is what I am discovering.
failed to build altogether
if you want a MUCH COOLER way of building jars and wars, boy do I have the plugin for you!
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enebo: headius: so I'm trying to get TB4's smaller integration test suite passing on JRuby snapshots - as I find issues, just create a github issue for each?
ie the constant "File::FNM_EXTGLOB" doesn't appear to exist in JRuby even though it's part of Ruby 2's File constants
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I guess I can assume if the constant doesn't exist none of the behavior triggered by it doesn't as well?
double negative, but you understand I think :)
bbrowning: open each as an issue
bbrowning: that's likely only the case for features that are implemented in Java with java equivalents. If it's implemented in C (jnr-posix), you can use the value of the constant and itll work
that issue prevents Rails 4.1 apps from working at all
... unless JRuby checks the range (against something like FNM_MAX dunno if that actually exists) and the one you're using falls outside the range...
bbrowning: ;P
not likely with ioctl
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enebo: RubyEncoding has two factory methods that never seem to be used. Are you keeping them around for compatibility with something?
Also, no idea if I got encoding right (probably didn't in the least)
jc00ke: oh thanks! I was traveling this week
nirvdrum: don’t know offhand. It is possible it was a 1.8/1.9 thing
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I can delete them while I'm in there. But don't want to break things.
headius: no worries! Looking forward to feedback on the PR
nirvdrum: The only possibility of them being used would be if bytecode generation called them which is extremely unlikely
nirvdrum: remove them
nirvdrum: actually another would be java native ext but that seems unlikely to me
there's quite a lot of dead code in master now - I don't delete it as I go as I don't want to mix truffle/non-truffle commits
headius: You also have a mess of deprecated methods in RubyEncoding from almost 4 years back. 9k might be the time to remove them.
perhaps we should have an annotation for public APIs, so that we know what not to delete as it looks like dead code
and now is the time to do it, so we can catch exts that need it
yeah it has been the goal all along
chrisseaton: that's what enebo wants to do
chrisseaton: I proposed @Extension…Did I ever make it though? :)
chrisseaton: Is mixing commits that problematic? We use the [Truffle] prefix for Truffle stuff.
Heh. "// TODO: make threadsafe" -- from 2008.
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nirvdrum: surely best not to hide potential changes to the normal JRuby external API in a Truffle commit?
chrisseaton: Well, you could make it a separate commit. I thought you meant you didn't want git log to have Truffle and then non-Truffle commits.
yeah I could stage stuff more carefully
yeah you guys can do as many general JRuby commits as you want…just don’t mix into truffle-specific commits
which I think you both know
"git add -p" is your friend here.
-p is the best git flag
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[jruby] nirvdrum pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/w-fDUQ
jruby/master 8bd0df2 Kevin Menard: Removed unused RubyEncoding factories.
jruby/master c34b8db Kevin Menard: Removed a bunch of unused, deprecated RubyEncoding methods.
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sneaky p
*slipper p
2 weeks until Christmas. How's 9k pre1 looking anyway?
nirvdrum: It could be looking better
IR stuff? Or stdlib?
nirvdrum: Some IR some features but we are getting pretty close. It is just tight.
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I'm currently fighting with become_java!, and would appreciate some advice...the resulting classes seem to ignore the java_package directive.
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I need to generate classes with specific package paths for use with a plugin filter system.
The system currently supports Groovy, and I'm hoping to add the ability to create filters in JRuby.
pataprogramming: hello :-)
headius: Greetings.
become_java! doesn't use java_package, I believe...only jrubyc at command line will use it
Unfortunately, the filters get dropped into a directory of the live system, and are compiled on the fly...so precompilation isn't really a good path.
Anyway to invoke jrubyc's functionality programmatically without going through the shell?
sure, it's just a Ruby script...but I don't know if we have documented how to do it
may I ask why you need to generate real Java classes for this?
I'm going to guess that whatever plugin system this is requires a class it can Class.forName
Could be...so far, I've been trying to imitate the approach that the authors used for the Groovy plugin support.
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seriously, do Groovy developers actually write any Groovy? Every time I find a project that claims it's written in Groovy, it's 95% Java
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all these plugins have more code in Java than in Groovy
Basically, by implementing getClassFromFilterFile() on that FileSystemPollingFilterStore(), it should be pretty straightforward...but it is expecting a class.
Groovy seems to be more-or-less Java that can be written while drunk.
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I haven't chased down how the package prefix is used in the code yet, but it does expect one or more prefixes to be specified.
pataprogramming: hah, I like that description of Groovy
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pataprogramming: hmm yes, I hate plugin systems that use Class instances
and then I'm sure it goes on to try to instantiate it
using a default constructor
At the moment, I'm trying to figure out what I can coax JRuby into spitting out...I'm sure the two can be made to meet in the middle somehow, but I'm hoping it's not too hacky.
this is such a stench that's all over all plugin systems
pataprogramming: if you evaluate that script, become_java! returns the class it created
Well, not any hackier than any system is that relies on reflection.
I forget if the class is instantiable with a default constructor...checking that now
This is my first time doing much mucking around with JRuby...am I going to get any nasty jrubyc-related surprises if I have that class implement an interface?
Or extend an abstract class?
pataprogramming: it appears to work
so what you'd want to do is basically just evaluate the script and you'll get a Class out of it
So package prefix may not matter.
yeah probably not
but I assume there's an interface to impl or something?
headius: Yes, so as long as become_java! includes that in the generated code, all should be good.
if you specify it in the code it will
Then that's next on the list to try. Thanks very much for the assistance.
yup, let me know how it goes
we need better doco on how to integrate with systems like this
enebo, found a workaround - explicitly opent the file in binmode
imperator: yeah that will for sure give a consistent view
imperator: Their read(30) seems like buggy behavior to me though
it doesn't match the docs
or rather, what the docs -imply-
i'm sorta confused my own self
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Why is JCodings so obtuse?
headius: When I was digging around online, it looked like this was a pain point for people who were trying to interop with systems that rely heavily on dependency injection.
dunno... ditched it before i had to deal with it much... my questions for jcodings is "why only ints?"
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Oh, I didn't realize that was a JRuby project. Oops.
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nirvdrum: the API is not friendly
but we've never spent time to improve it
it's mostly the C API
headius: What's "p" mean? I assume it's some sort of pointer.
yeah, just a position reference
an "out" holder
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headius: Any objections to me introducing a new interface both RubyEncoding implementations can use so I can make better use of some of the stuff in EncodingService? I'd really hate to reimplement all this byte twiddling.
go for it
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anything we can do to unify the truffle and non-truffle side of things
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nirvdrum: much of jcodings and joni follow C impl close because it is really complicated and it is easier to track evolution of C project
currently using mkristian's jbundler and mvn tools on a jruby project, I get "jbundler support needs jruby to create a local config: jruby -S jbundle install"
nirvdrum: which that said any nice wrapper around it would be fucking great
enebo: Makes sense. I was just hoping for some javadocs.
nirvdrum: HAHAHA
I've not used maven much, and am unsure what the error means/ how to fix it
I think I'd rather just figure out a way to use it.
that line is thrown in the rakefile when I do `wt = Warbler::Task.new`
And that was all written in 2008 by a guy I don't think I've ever seen around here.
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nirvdrum: it is lopex
Oh, really? I thought his name was something else.
did I do something wrong
lopex: Just JCodings :-P
nirvdrum: but any questions about stuff and lopex is your guy for regexps and m17n
hey, I wrote more jruby code than joni and jcodings
lopex: tehcnically you ported those two as well
lopex: I'm looking to implement encoding in Truffle. Getting the name from an encoding is a bit complex.
lopex: it is just challenging to use the C-like APIs and we've never added nicer ones
you didn't do anything wrong :-)
But I'm going to see if I can find a way to share a lot of the core stuff in EncodingService.
nirvdrum: well, it's a direct port, and any diff when you'll troy to simplyfy it will come up eventually
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nirvdrum: also, that code in mri might have changed
nirvdrum: why not use that ?
lopex: Why not use what? The code in MRI?
headius: the only nicer thing is named backref iterators
headius: or where they tossed lots of function pointers at once
nirvdrum: the code in jruby
nirvdrum: do you use ByteList as well ?
lopex: Well, I'm trying to. But we have a different class hierarchy.
nirvdrum: then we might try to split some code in jruby base ?
lopex: That's what I'm looking at now. There's a lot of stuff that could be shared, since they both use JCodings and ByteList.
nirvdrum: dont complain here, in mri world, they all copy and import foreign code into mri's repo :)
nirvdrum: and more, they copy that into mri's internals
so you dont know it was a part of an external library in the past
I'm not faulting you. Porting C make sense. It's just hard to follow is all.
nirvdrum: I'm being ironic
All these p's and end's.
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I know
nirvdrum: but in such messy c code it's easier to relate the things
definite want to split out shared logic from e.g. StringSupport, RubyString, IO, if it isn't already
nirvdrum: initially we though that after some baking we might do some refactoring
nirvdrum: like, StringSupport might go into jcodings
It's been 6 years :-P
6 glorious years of p
we really should do one pass through RubyString and symbol to remove the duality between 1.8 and 1.9 methods
nirvdrum: but it was a lot harder to modify two projects at once
nirvdrum: I think it has never happened because once wired up we don't really use those methods anymore
we go through StringSupport for most things
and it does the right thing
since some are not encoding and others are
enebo: is there still a duality ?
Yeah. Don't fix what isn't broken.
actually StringSupport and other logic in JRuby probably could be the beginnings of a nicer Java-friendly API for jcodings
would love to move more of that stuff out to libs
headius: but StringSupport was done much later on
lopex: indeed
but probably half its methods are basically just jcodings logic with a nice face
lopex: well the 1.8-specific @JRubyMethods are cleaned up but the lower layers we still have 1.9 encoding-aware methods calling non-encoding specific methods
that and code range stuff
I find it unfortunate that CR represents semantic behavior and is not specifically just an optimization flag
enebo: did you see four regressions in jruby-openssl?
updated by mkristian a bit ago
I believe the implication is that if we fix those we can put out 0.9.6
headius: cool if true
they're not going to be fun though
yay something other tham repo2 now has jnr-constants
nirvdrum: another difficulty when looking at mri's code is that you have absolutely no idea at first glance, what code relies in runtime and what code is independent
*relies on runtime
it might pass void* and then cast it into VALUE
lopex: That is known as adding VALUE
even better
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you need to trace the fuction bodies to know that
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nirvdrum: just be glad you don't have to reimplement the transcoding subsystem
it was a "fun" exercise but I wouldn't wish it on anyone
I guess I thought that from the other end
but I guess I'd still fail at that state machine
Fortunately, most of these methods are private, so I should be able to make this work without too much bloodshed.
[jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/r6TfRQ
jruby/master ca99b12 Kevin Menard: Removed unused constructors.
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numbers ?
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I'd like to be able to use a ruby gem (https://github.com/staqapp/staq-msbin) in my scala project, was looking at maybe using jruby to do it, and use the scriptenginemanager (https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/JavaIntegration) one thing I'm little confused about this theoretical solution, would be howto reference the gem, and I would do the reference import/call the actual MSBIN::Record.DecodeStream
that, and how it would get packaged in my jar/etc rather than having to a do a "gem install" on any production box
lopex: Is there a reason that RubyEncoding#getEncoding lazily loads the encoding?
It looks like creating the RubyEncoding instance with the Encoding instance would be trivial.
nirvdrum: initially, it was to monomorphize encoding callsites
nirvdrum: in a hope that only two of them being loaded
like ascii and utf-8
nirvdrum: and hotspot likes to inline bimorphic ones
I don't follow. It's just an object reference.
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nirvdrum: hotspot is aware of classes being loaded and can optimize for that
if one class is being loaded it can totally devirtualiza the calls
even when called via interface
chrisseaton: can you clarify if I'm wrong here ?
lopex: But this is all done during runtime bootstrap.
lopex: what you are saying makes sense in theory - but I would be very surprised if you can measure a difference
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I don't want to bloat startup time, but I suspect this one callsite can't be optimized anyway.
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chrisseaton: I guess, I'd think as you as well now, but that code was written quote a bit ago
chrisseaton: I was much more gullable to that then
nirvdrum: it's not this callsite
nirvdrum: the theory was that any encoding callsite would/could
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lopex: we're building a research tool for truffle that will show you the source code and will overlay information such as how polymorphic a call site is - so you would be able to tell for sure - but not sure there's any existing tool like that at the moment
chrisseaton: and anyways in most cases it would be deopted
nirvdrum: class loading isnt any issues here I guess
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lopex: I'm not trying to chastise you anything. I just want to know if there's a landmine I should be watching out for.
chrisseaton: but still, having only one implementor changes things ?
nirvdrum: like, concurrency wise or something ?
lopex: Although the problem with doing it this way is RubyEncoding#getEncoding isn't thread-safe, as you commented.
nirvdrum: because it's all per runtime
lopex: yeah - interfaces will be faster if there is one implementation - and get deoptimized when another implementation is loaded - I can see that happen for real
nirvdrum: then it's more forgiving
nirvdrum: but yeah, that code need to be revisited
chrisseaton: that's what I was thinking about back then
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chrisseaton: but from hotspot related readings and some hotspot code study
lopex: Fair enough. I just wonder if the cost of being lazy would dominate the cost of any potential deopt from class loading.
nirvdrum: ah, there's another thing
nirvdrum: encoding tables
nirvdrum: thoese are loaded via static field dependencies and some of them are HUGE
nirvdrum: like 1MB
So, you're lazy loading classes from the classpath too?
nirvdrum: it hurts ruboto folks to the point of unacceptable
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nirvdrum: no, static fields being fed from files
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nirvdrum: and that dependency is being than by jvm spec
nirvdrum: this eliminates synchronization
nirvdrum: is that clear enough ?
I guess where I'm confused is I already have an encoding iterator walking each of the entries in EncodingDB, so aren't these classes already loaded?
nirvdrum: encoding db entry is just a holder for encoding
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Okay. So they are lazy loaded then?
like I said
Well I thought I asked if you were lazy loading classes and you said "no".
nirvdrum, chrisseaton: so all the locking etc is being done withing jvm class loading dependency spec
No worries.
I must have made a mistake
I'm looking at the JCodings source now. I see that they're being lazy-loaded.
Ruboto, I fear, is a bandaid we're going to have to rip off at some point :-/
nirvdrum: since you where asking why getEncoding loads a class
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But I don't have a good solution for that one yet.
for ruboto ?
maybe some maven annotation processing thingy ?
Yes. I don't like the idea of leaving people behind, but we go through quite a few gymnastics to continue supporting it.
I can't see Truffle ever working for it.
With Go now supporting Android, I have a sneaking suspicion that's going to be Google's exit strategy.
I've set up some tools to remove Truffle from the build to help Ruboto
And RubyMotion is a thing now.
nirvdrum: also there is the complication for some encodings wrt transcoding tables
nirvdrum: some of them are really huge and we still ship the whole thing
even NOBODY uses it
it's too rare
the GB* thingy
Okay. Well, that I can buy into.
nirvdrum: mri doesnt pay for it that much since it's just an fread on c binary
nirvdrum: but jruby goes the whole unzip
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nirvdrum: but I was all alone on the encoding site of things and the amount of required solutions overwhelmed me
Heh. I'm not criticizing :-)
so lots of things are not being touched for years
I'm just looking at code written in 2008 and am curious.
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And unfortunately, a lot of the older stuff is wholly undocumented.
most of jruby was so in those years
nirvdrum: I only fixed some critical bugs and about two years ago did some more important joni optimizations
and that was it
for some time
nirvdrum: joni is quite a bit behind onigmo too now
lopex: Yeah. chrisseaton filed an issue a few days ago. I don't know if you saw.
Maybe that doesn't tie into joni. But it's regexp-related.
linked in the todo
might be just quoting/unquoting for #sources
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the whole regex thing is heinous, in mri it's multiply copied and processed, and the string that is being matched against, it's preprocessed and COPIED at least once
it's a joke
in jruby it's quite likely (given encdogin oportunites) regexp source in joni regexp is the SAME as the one at parse time
joni even tries to COW the literal anchors within it's own AST on expand