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[jruby-openssl] kares pushed 2 new commits to master:
jruby-openssl/master 7d13c15 Dmitry Ratnikov: some ~ explicit security manager checks for jruby/openssl...
jruby-openssl/master b71026d kares: [test] less warning noice with -w
[jruby] kares closed pull request #853: Have test_openssl.rb be explicit about security checks it adds (
kares_: you ever see problems with AR connection_pool tests
kares_: It seems there is a race present in Rails 5
enebo: hey! you mean from Rails test?
kares_: yeah
nope - haven't run those for very long
kares_: I finished base_test but then I go to wider tests I get tons of pool problems
kares_: and when I isolate to just those tests I get interrmittent failures.
I gave up trying to run AR tests basically the whole 1.3 AR-JDBC life-line
kares_: I will look into a bit more
it seemed just tremendous work
they usually do MR style concurrency and threads
kares_: I run all of test_base and only have two small encoding errors
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very najs!
kares_: but our internal tests are really tough to maintain because AR/Arel/… keeps changing their APIs
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kares_: so I would like to be able to run at AR tests moving forward. I think if I get this pooling stuff working we will get some really interesting test feedback
yep I recall such annoyances - depending on test run they were effecting each other
but that was probably AR 3.2 or 4.0 last time I checked
enebo: well you'll see what's more pain in the end :)
kares_: but basic statements seems fine
kares_: yeah I guess so
kares_: for sqlite3 for Rails 5.1 we should onlty have about 100 lines of ruby left
kares_: so I am hoping we can do the same for test code maintenance
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would be great to run AR I just fear it won't be easy to manage in the end since its 2 repos
enebo: sounds good but Rails commiters will need to be more careful
very little usually care about JRuby or know AR-JDBC :)
but we'll see its definitely worth a try
kares_: you know when I look at this code I can see PR from thedarkone and dantonio so I think some work has been put into making JRuby work with this
kares_: which is why I am a bit surprised to see a race
on the other hand Rails should be mature by know - touching adapter code is probably rare
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enebo: yy the pool should work better
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in 5.0 there was a change I recall
(tested with JRuby)
but I think they did not run the suite much
they did some benchmarking with external scripts
kares_: yeah I saw the PR which had that in it
so I think you're on the right track that the Rails tests need tuning
kares_: sounds like it should be ok but perhaps someone tweaked code later and broke it
the test which fails seems totally ok so it has to be the pool
enebo: what does it say?
well it either says connection is taken by another thread or that the thread has already been leased
so basically same thread which took connection then trying to close will not work out
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They seem to cache on Thread hash identity
so I guess I will need to print some stuff out and see what is wrong
oh ok - sounds like they miss some connection cleanup in somewhere
... or the main thread
I wonder … do we have Java thread poooling any more?
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kares_: what is exec_query_raw for? Is it an extra JRuby feature?
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kares_, enebo: I thought rails had moved to using the new "truly thread-local" thread-locals because of problems with fiber locals
fiber locals and thread locals in the presence of fibers don't behave logically to me in MRI either
headius: I do not follow Rails development and only see what I see
headius: pool appears to use @map[Thread.current] = shit
nirvdrum: what did you need yesterday?
enebo: yeah that will probably have issues under a thread
headius: the coordination of how it stores/removes from the pool and how it stores thread on the connection itself seems to be issue
er under a fiber
headius: if fiber uses a pool for sure :)
fiber uses a thread pool but no fiber state is pooled
headius: there is a commen on the identity function that JRuby can monkey patch that method for fibers
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headius: so in theory thought was put into this without addressing it
headius: but so far as I can see no fibers are involved in this particular failing test
headius: Are you aware of anyone on Solaris using JRuby?
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I got access to a SPARC machine to update jnr-constants and was surprised to see a new platform generated. Apparently FFI hasn't used the name "sunos" in quite some time, but that's all jnr-constants has.
nirvdrum: we definitely get bug reports on Solaris
Anything related to native, do you recall?
and I knew of someone doing packaged installs of Redmine + OpenSolaris a couple years back
I have a sneaking suspicion they're falling over to the fake constants.
those might have been linux-style usespace
nirvdrum: we got a couple in last year because of libcrypt I thought
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and still outstanding issues with flock
because I can't figured out the blasted fcntl struct
But the files generated in jnr-constants are only 3 years old.
well I wouldn't be surprised if it's out of date...anything we can do to update that stuff would be good
we used to have CI on solaris but that was years ago
Okay. I'm mostly just confused at the moment.
headius: It looks like you generated the sunos files. I'm assuming you ran the rake task, but not sure how you wound up with that name. It's going 3 years back, so you probably don't recall.
I just don't want to break anything on anyone.
yeah I don't know...just ran what was there
it would probably get it from something like uname
there is more than one solaris distro now too right?
maybe one still uses sunos?
enebo: I could buy that maybe IlluminOS (?) might be different. But FFI code explicitly handles anything with "sunos" or "solaris" in it and emits "solaris" as the normalized name.
nirvdrum: I have no idea…throwing random crap ideas and seeing if you buy it
enebo: I was hoping you'd look at it and tell me I was reading the code wrong.
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headius: You're holding out on me ;-) I found a comment from Sept. 19 saying you have a Solaris VM (that flock issue).
Anyway, if you could do a sanity check for me at your convenience, that'd be helpful.
yeah I do
or at least I think it works
what do you need me to run?
just the generator?
I think the libc part is fine. It's the constants I think are out of whack.
I'll look at setting up an OpenBSD VM to fill in those values.
And I guess NetBSD, too?
<headius> resumed right back to my flock exploration
yeah so here's the thing
I'd be surprised if there's really variation on this stuff between FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD.
we had someone interested in helping us set up a bunch of VMs for all these projects so we could consistently generate everything
that never materialized but it's what we need to do
I'm thinking vagrant might have images for almost everything
at least x86
Okay. That's what I was asking about in that issue.
Aethenelle, I think?
He was working on some KVM-based system. He sent me a link a couple years back, but I never got around to looking at it and have since lost it.
yeah kvm is an option but also requires control of the physical machine
so we couldn't easily automate tasks using those images in the cloud
for generating locally, it would probably be fine as long as you're running under xen all the time
maybe that's what people do
EC2 & DigitalOcean both support FreeBSD now. That could be part of an option. I think Joyent does Solaris.
yeah joyent is the big one for sure
But I don't have access to anything Power or ARM.
right...there are power and arm clouds out there but it's still early days
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Ostensibly your Solaris VM is x86. I was running on SPARC. I'd be curious if there at platform differences there, too.
Constants, that is. I hope endianness is dealt with elsewhere.
ahh yes, that's certainly possible
I assume Oracle has sparc clouds...joyent might too
nirvdrum: generate:platform?
uname is SunOS btw
yeah it generates under src/main/java/jnr/constants/platform/solaris
I get SunOS for uname, too.
I can push the solaris ones easily enough. It's more of an open question as to whether anyone is using the sunos ones. I can't really see how, unless it's ancient (I haven't gone further than 'git blame' in the ffi repo).
yeah this is a mystery
I'm going to try generating with 1.7
maybe we started reporting host_os differently
Did you run the rake task with a JRuby installation?
Okay. I've been using MRI.
I'll stop doing that.
shouldn't matter obviously
that's it
1.7 reported host as SunOS
$ jruby-1.7.26/bin/jruby -v
jruby 1.7.26 (1.9.3p551) 2016-08-26 69763b8 on Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_60-b27 +jit [SunOS-amd64]
$ jruby -v
jruby (2.3.1) 2016-11-03 38eaba9 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.60-b23 on 1.8.0_60-b27 +jit [solaris-x86_64]
so that explains that
not host_os though...that seems to be the same
And the Rakefile uses FFI::Platform::OS
so we probably fixed that in jruby's FFI to normalize to solaris
yeah org.jruby.platform.Platform.OS is "sunos" in 1.7 and "solaris" in 9k
in any case it seems like we normalized this to solaris, which matches MRI
so I think we should commit the solaris constants and deprecate the sunos ones
Okay. Well, I can keep the sunos files around in case someone on 1.7 decides to update jnr-constants for whatever reason.
yeah definitely
we won't be modifying it to report "solaris"
I just couldn't find a way that they were being used at all.
nice find!
this may explain my issues with fcntl in fact
I never thought to check if it was actually using the right constants
Thanks for looking into it. When I come across things like this, my first reaction is "what did I screw up?"
yeah, I've been trying to get the jnr stuff updated and active, because it kinda bitrotted after wmeissner left
Oh, probably. Fcntl constants are all over the place and the fake ones are just monotonically increasing.
so this is just more cleanup
I'll have to revisit flock then
I still don't really know what the difference between jffi and jnr-ffi is :-/
jffi is just the native call layer
the binary bits we have to ship per-platform
some of the arg wrangling lives in there too but jnr-ffi does a lot more of that
jffi = java binding to ffi, mostly
I assume there's some intrinsic value to having them split?
I assume
we have rev'ed jnr-ffi many more times than jffi, so that's something
you can't really use jffi without jnr-ffi though, so that value is dubious
enebo and I have often mused that jnr should just be one big project
I even started putting together a jnr-all package at one point
That'd be interesting.
It's a bit tedious updating jnr-constants, then jnr-posix, then jruby.
for sure
“It’s a fucking nightmare!” (tm)
at least they all are on the sonatype release train
whoo whoo
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I do admit sonatype does prevent a lot of problems but not this nested dep being out of sync on
Did you guys see that thing I was working out with mkristian?
I very much wanted to murder something.
Apparently Travis has a custom maven settings file that for some reason they haven't been able to update. But it overrides the snapshots repository maven looks at. And it's completely wrong.
looks like jdantonio has some vagrant boxes under ruby-concurrency domain
at least a solaris 11 one is there
One of the servers in rotation is a codehaus one that hasn't been online for 18 months or so.
Another is an apache repo that only mirrors apache projects.
nirvdrum: ugh that's lovely
And the net of this is builds were failing because the jnr-posix snapshots couldn't be retrieved.