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<etehtsea> what is the current state of invokedynamic in jruby? It don't seem to be enabled by default
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<etehtsea> and I don't get how to enable it
<etehtsea> jruby -Xcompile.invokedynamic --properties |grep compile.invokedynamic jruby- ☺
<etehtsea> #compile.invokedynamic=false
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<GitHub15> [jruby-openssl] chrisliaw opened issue #122: ASN1 wrong tag encoding for explicit or implicit tagged value https://git.io/vDvWa
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<donV> Hi all!
<donV> chrisseaton: Hi! You on?
<chrisseaton> donV hi
<donV> chrisseaton: How are you doing?
<chrisseaton> Good
<donV> :)
<donV> I am trying out TruffleRuby again.
<donV> I have a new Rails app I’d like to try.
<donV> I see mention of a “ruby-tool” to run apps.
<donV> chrisseaton: Is that. lib/jruby-truffle-tool/bin/jruby-truffle-tool ?
<chrisseaton> Yes
<chrisseaton> I'm not sure what it does to be honest
<donV> chrisseaton: OK, progress! `ruby -r bundler-workarounds -S gem install bundler` worked!
<donV> chrisseaton: `ruby -r bundler-workarounds -S bundle install` gives me `NameError: uninitialized constant OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext`. Any thoughts?
<chrisseaton> Sorry I don't know anything about this area. I'll see if I can get the guy who knows the most to come on here.
<chrisseaton> The point of the workaround module is that it doesn't use OpenSSL
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<donV> OK, thanks.
<donV> chrisseaton: Success! Reverting to bundler 1.13.7 instead of 1.14.x.
<chrisseaton> Oh great - we should document that
<pitr-ch> donV: great. I'll document it and later have a look if we can make 1.14 work as well.
<donV> pitr-ch: Cool!
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<GitHub125> [jruby] herwinw opened issue #4460: RangeError: bignum too big to convert into `long' https://git.io/vDv2V
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<donV> pitr-ch: Argh! I think I had it working, but now I get an exception whenever I run with graal.
<donV> java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.parse(Lcom/oracle/truffle/api/source/Source;Lcom/oracle/truffle/api/nodes/Node;[Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/oracle/truffle/api/CallTarget;
<pitr-ch> donV: what versions of graal and trufflerubydo you have?
<donV> pitr-ch: graalvm-0.19-dk abnd truffelruby from GH
<pitr-ch> donV: that's not compatible, you need either truffleruby from gralvm and graalvm or truffleruby GH and graal which you build yourself
<donV> pitr-ch: OK
<pitr-ch> donV: did you browse our doc directory? It should be documented there. If you are on linux there is even a command for getting and compiling graal
<donV> on mac…
<donV> pitr-ch: If I use the graalvm, can I use the `bundler-workarounds` with it?
<pitr-ch> yeah the file is bundled in truffleruby it's already on LOAD_PATH
<pitr-ch> donV ^
<donV> pitr-ch: OK, I think I have it working again with graalvm :)
<donV> OK, so truffleruby is running with graalvm, but `bundle install` gives me an exception:
<donV> pitr-ch: OK, removed most gems from my Gemfile, and `bundle update` completed OK :)
<donV> pitr-ch: Starting my app fails with missing `openssl.so`. Any idea what I should do?
<donV> pitr-ch: Should `openssl.so` be available from graalvm or truffelruby ?
<donV> pitr-ch: I think I got further by using bundler-workarounds when starting Rails.
<donV> pitr-ch: Now I get “cannot load such file -- racc/cparse”. I think you hgave solved this before: https://gist.github.com/pitr-ch/cd01e8abf13ed2e7c356#file-log-txt-L12
<donV> OK, got past that. :)
<pitr-ch> donV: openssl is not available, so as we have workarounds for bundler, unfortunately you'll have to add workarounds for your app to work
<pitr-ch> it's safe to ignore the racc/cparse failure
<pitr-ch> it's just a forgotten puts in the library
<donV> cool. Getting “ NoMethodError: undefined method `assets' for #<Rails::Application::Configuration” now.
<donV> Working through it :)
<pitr-ch> we did not test assets much, and we do not have it in our CI yet so expect problems
<eregon> headius: I'm doing a spec update today
<donV> pitr-ch: OK, skipping asset pipeline for now. Got a new snag: https://gist.github.com/donv/85e6ff7303435fdd5cec21b19abb5d3c
<donV> pitr-ch: ^^^ looks familiar?
<pitr-ch> unfortunately it does not :/ Could you open an issue for us with instructions how to reproduce? or could you try on truffleruby checkout first ?
<pitr-ch> you'll need to compile graal though
<pitr-ch> donV: ^
<GitHub189> [jruby] eregon pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDvPt
<GitHub189> jruby/master d83cbf7 Benoit Daloze: Squashed 'spec/ruby/' changes from f4a4f0e..fb3e3ac...
<GitHub189> jruby/master 90286ce Benoit Daloze: Squashed 'spec/mspec/' changes from d44a977..4bcdee5...
<GitHub189> jruby/master 18eedc0 Benoit Daloze: Merge ruby/mspec commit '90286ce483c19dbf9e966087b3b150ef7486d708'
<donV> pitr-ch: I’ll see about that issue later :) It was caused by PaperTrail, so I skipped it for now.
<donV> pitr-ch: Right now I get a new one: NameError: uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper
<donV> pitr-ch: I feel I am close to running my app!
<donV> pitr-ch: What database connectors are usable? `pg` ?
<pitr-ch> I am afraid none, only postgress-pr with some ugly hackery
<pitr-ch> all the db connections require C extension, we are still working on the support
<pitr-ch> i mean: all usual db adapters require cext
<pitr-ch> redis has pure ruby adapter and works fine
<pitr-ch> donV: you could try to reproduce it based on https://github.com/jruby/jruby-truffle-gem-test-pack/blob/master/gem-testing/blog/.jruby-truffle-tool.yaml, but it might be more practical to wait until there is a driver working.
<donV> pitr-ch: OK, thanks. I think I’ll wait, then unless the postgres-pr hackery is manageable. Do you rememeber what needs to be done to get postgres-pr working?
<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:60e0d88 by Benoit Daloze): The build was fixed. (https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/195837026)
<pitr-ch> donV: it's not in easily shareable form. These lines would be needed, https://github.com/jruby/jruby-truffle-gem-test-pack/blob/master/gem-testing/blog/.jruby-truffle-tool.yaml#L34-L165
<pitr-ch> the test app using it is not updated to use bundler so there might be issues related to that, fyi if you would decide to dig into it
<donV> pitr-ch: OK, thanks! I’ll probably stop here. My app has started, but no DB connection. I’ll return to it when cext is available for testing.
<pitr-ch> donV: you are welcome, yeah sounds good.
<eregon> ahah specs "fixed" Travis
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<GitHub117> [jruby] javierhonduco opened issue #4461: `ObjectSpace.each_object` raises `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` https://git.io/vDfJ6
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<ragge> hi folks! does anyone know if theres a good irc channel for discussion truffle/graal in general (not the ruby truffle implementation)
<chrisseaton> ragge: there is gitter.com/graalvm/graal-core
<ragge> chrisseaton: ah, cheers
<chrisseaton> gitter.im I mean
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<GitHub126> [jruby] enebo pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDfLY
<GitHub126> jruby/master 720f0e9 Thomas E. Enebo: - Add IRScope.getExecutionContext. This when merged with deopt branch will...
<GitHub126> jruby/master efea709 Thomas E. Enebo: - ensureInstrReady can assume IC has been generated but we still want to...
<GitHub126> jruby/master 8576d81 Thomas E. Enebo: Beginning of retrieving flags from the IC we want it from
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<GitHub154> [jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDfny
<GitHub154> jruby/master 6b27592 Thomas E. Enebo: Two possible mistakes misreporting that the scope has changed in computeFlags
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<GitHub79> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDfdo
<GitHub79> jruby/master 52cc127 Charles Oliver Nutter: Don't access arg 0 blindly after negotiating it above. Fixes #4461
<GitHub0> [jruby] headius closed issue #4461: `ObjectSpace.each_object.to_a` raises `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` https://git.io/vDfJ6
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<GitHub150> [jruby] headius opened issue #4462: Some object from each_object can't be "p"ed https://git.io/vDfFG
<lopex> headius, enebo, chrisseaton: is jruby one of the few projects not favourable on gittter now ?
<lopex> the slack thing is getting me nervous
<chrisseaton> I think we're all on Gitter
<enebo> lopex: I don’t know what you are asking me
<lopex> it's almost lile I wanted an RFC for slack now
<enebo> lopex: I was trying to kill us using gitter for JRuby proper since I don’t like having that extra tab open
<lopex> enebo: ^^
<lopex> chrisseaton: graalvm is, and the others ?
<enebo> lopex: I don’t know what the slack thing is?
<chrisseaton> JRuby is on Gitter
<enebo> chrisseaton: yep I know…I just don’t like it
<lopex> I'm having difficulty with media fracturing now
<lopex> now just the projects
<lopex> *not just..
<enebo> lopex: yeah me too…I am not sure why we need n different discussion forums for help
<enebo> lopex: especially when 2 of those are proprietary and may not exist in a couple of years
<lopex> chrisseaton, enebo: https://xkcd.com/1782/
<lopex> this is my feeling now
<lopex> the old eternal september irc thingy
<lopex> but that meme is going to be over now
<enebo> lopex: so you want us to leave irc or you are that guy who uses the gateway? :)
<lopex> no
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<lopex> not I
<lopex> just doing a survey
<lopex> because I'm a bit confused
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<enebo> I mean we need hosting and our hosting service is proprietary so I am not against using tools when we need them
<enebo> The website chat tools I think are partially because people do not like how web irc gateways behave…since gitter and slack have better UI
<lopex> yeah
<enebo> I use an irc client so I prefer irc even if it lacks some of the polish of these new tools
<lopex> and that attracts people
<enebo> It has been serving me ok since 1990
<lopex> I guess we'll have a serious problem soon
<enebo> will we?
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> wrt team chats of course
<lopex> like for jruby
<enebo> I don’t know. I think most projects just pick one and use it
<lopex> ppl will expect the community to be on slack for example real soon
<lopex> enebo: yeah, I agree
<lopex> enebo: but the starter will assume it
<lopex> starters
<enebo> And if you compare traffic we get a lot more on irc…the gitter is pretty quiet…except perhaps for kristian who seems to not like to be connected to irc :)
<lopex> enebo: I dont have asolution for that
<lopex> enebo: but I'm worried
<enebo> lopex: but I feel both slack and gitter and just du jour apps and one or both will not be in business in a few years
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<lopex> enebo: also gitter / slack dont have RFC's etc
<lopex> and thatns really bad
<enebo> lopex: not to belittle their business model … good luck to them… it is just a reality that most businesses fail
<enebo> github.com going out of business would be horrible but at least nearly all the data can be extracted as git repos
<lopex> enebo: not theirs I'ma affraid
<enebo> theirs == ??
<lopex> enebo: sharing infrastructure is a big saving
<lopex> enebo: slack/gitter
<enebo> lopex: so you think they will succeed as businesses?
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> even in the long term
<lopex> just as facebook
<lopex> same model
<enebo> lopex: are they VC funded?
<lopex> what's VC ?
<enebo> venture capital?
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<lopex> enebo: how do they differ ?
<lopex> businesswise
<enebo> lopex: well companies financed by VC money need to perform to their investors expectations in a way that non-VC companies may not
<enebo> lopex: gitter is run out of the uk so that is at least a positive they are not in silicon valley
<lopex> aah
<lopex> well
<lopex> enebo: two choices, they're just a bubble
<enebo> lopex: I wonder how many paying customers they have
<lopex> enebo: another company has already seen the potentiel
<lopex> potential
<enebo> lopex: It might be selling fantastically to businesses for all I know…but I don’t have any idea. I have only seen free uses of it
<lopex> enebo: like twitter ?
<lopex> no I dont have any idea too
<enebo> lopex: well that is a good question right? twitter seems to have no valid monetization potential from what I can see
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<enebo> lopex: I have joked the US government should guy it as public infrastructure
<enebo> s/guy/buy
<lopex> enebo: bubble is a bubble until another comanny see a potential
<enebo> gitter might be great for businesses though. It seems like it has something sellable like basecamp
<lopex> doesnt matter if the startup has forseen that
<enebo> lopex: I guess so. with that logic no little companies would go for it
<lopex> haha
<lopex> well
<enebo> lopex: but it is not like irc or group messaging has been a secret the last 35 years
<lopex> but irc was different
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<enebo> lopex: ability to link in and display info via plugins has been around forever too as overlays
<lopex> actually
<lopex> I'm really interesed how irc is finances
<lopex> financed
<lopex> enebo: but you think my analogies are flawed ?
<enebo> lopex: like I used an irc backed applet in nineties which allowed pcitures and doodling + texting where the graphical elements were just IRC traffic in a second channel
<enebo> lopex: no I guess my opinion is some company might start something and another company might destroy it or the original company may just fail to make enough money to survive
<enebo> lopex: or that company “wins” like github.com
<lopex> haha
<enebo> lopex: although if you read any articles on github you will notice they are having financing issues
<lopex> yes
<enebo> lopex: but they do dominate the space and they started small
<lopex> right
<lopex> well, that 's the question actually
<lopex> and theystrive
<lopex> is it the promises ?
<lopex> facebook will eventually meet the commercial deficit too
<lopex> and I believe I'ts on the decline now
<lopex> wrt youth
<lopex> ppl demand simpler media
<lopex> like snap etc
<lopex> one thing is making ppl dependent on some media like drug
<enebo> lopex: business plans which start with capturing users first and then how to make money second are always iffy
<lopex> but it vanishes with time
<enebo> lopex: github did have a concrete plan for monetization and delivered so I don’t know why they ever took VC money
<lopex> "iffy" is an english something for "if.. like dependant"
<lopex> from if ?
<enebo> yeah pretty much…to use more slang…sketchy
<enebo> shaky
<lopex> enebo: but there's always rumors github is shaking
<lopex> maybe the other companies are driving it :P
<enebo> back when it was only a few guys they were profitable
<enebo> I think they had a model which would have scaled…perhaps paranoia somethign like atlassian bitbucket would take over or something
<lopex> enebo: bitbucket is more niche
<lopex> enebo: and mey be more stable actually
<lopex> *may
<enebo> lopex: yeah I guess I don’t know a ton about bitbucket but I think it has a good overlap with github
<lopex> enebo: atrassian!, i still GROWS
<lopex> *it
<enebo> lopex: atlassian has a large suite of tools to sell a business
<lopex> in some way I admire them
<lopex> how to monetize opensource
<enebo> lopex: I am not sure if that makes sales easier or not
<lopex> Atlassan
<enebo> lopex: Jira not having bookmarkable shit is mind-blowing in 2017
<lopex> even Oracle is not as good
<lopex> haha
<lopex> and still being in the lead
<enebo> yeah
<enebo> It is easy to disparage issue trackers though…I have come to realize it must be the hardest software in the world to me
<enebo> make
<enebo> Probably hard to make developers happy in general
<lopex> yeah
<chrisseaton> Worse is better
<lopex> though redmine is being percieven as likable from what I hear
<enebo> chrisseaton: heh yeah that is amazing how often that is true :)
<lopex> chrisseaton: that the problem with this industry
<lopex> imagine bulb screw-threads getting the way the sortware is
<lopex> doh I like those comaprisons
<enebo> so gitter on linked in claims to be 1-10 employess and privately held…that is cool. If they sell firewalled version (like enterprise github) and sell for commercial in the cloud stuff perhaps they have a good plan
<lopex> but the team I work with redmine has very good reputation actually
<enebo> lopex: I sort of wish our standard changed soon for lightbulbs since we need to screw into AC outlet to run DC leds
<lopex> I'm not so found of gitlab though
<enebo> lopex: but I understood your point
<lopex> I guess I'll be trying some gitea and drone CI soon
<lopex> and I guess it's o go now
<lopex> enebo: haha
<lopex> enebo: but imagine anything happened to to that thread
<lopex> the earth goes dark mostly
<lopex> enebo: but, I'll be creating new CI on my engine
<lopex> enebo: since modeling ANYTHING is easier than on any rails thing
<enebo> lopex: you are making your own CI?
<lopex> enebo: yeah, remember docker video ?
<lopex> and I'll still be using docker for that
<lopex> the other option is nix and nixops
<lopex> pure ephemeral containers
<lopex> well, mutable container on lxc is always a bad idea anyways
<lopex> enebo: why ?
<enebo> lopex: just asking
<lopex> enebo: http://portainer.io/
<lopex> look at that demo
<lopex> it doesnt fit CI
<lopex> on CI I want one click branch checkout, an env, and the nwhatever
<lopex> there's no tool to do that afaik
<lopex> at least not specialized one
<lopex> I want to automaticaly map ports
<lopex> I want to automaticaly map valumes (but want to oeverride them)
<lopex> I want to publish them for separate e2e testing
<lopex> or am I reinveintinge somethin here ?
<lopex> I've been looking at looooots of tools
<enebo> lopex: I don’t know…I don’t follow ci at all past using one or two
<lopex> I want one click env startup on demant with presets
<lopex> enebo: we've created a workflow here whrer I work at
<lopex> enebo: like, there's an issue, so we create a branch and an env immediately available to all testers (automatic or otherwise)
<lopex> docker enables us to isolate that
<lopex> but that the only docker handycap
<enebo> I see
<lopex> other;s are customimse db, customize http context, the branch etf
<lopex> etc
<lopex> enebo: we're even generating http proxy conf on any event
<lopex> but still, I'm always worried we're reinventing the wheel
<enebo> lopex: it hardly matters if you are making something someone else done as it is also a business plan
<lopex> enebo: so I've been actively "researching" any available tools so not to reinvent a wheel
<lopex> enebo: that portainer thingy is cool, flexible, but still doesnt fit the workflow of ours
<lopex> enebo: the workflow simply being, click, which builds, make it available for tests
<lopex> or the commit hok
<lopex> hook
<lopex> anyways
<lopex> a very simple docker / branch separated thingy works for us no
<lopex> now
<lopex> plus a gui for that
<lopex> enebo: the plus is that a nontech person can click, rebuild the env and have an acces to that
<lopex> on demand
<enebo> well good luck!
<lopex> enebo: hey look at that portainer
<lopex> quite cool
<lopex> anyways, I'll always remiand of
<lopex> chrisseaton: have you seen that ?
<chrisseaton> No? Hitler uses docker? Are they saying docker is bad?
<lopex> haha!
<chrisseaton> Is this from a film?
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> the fall
<enebo> chrisseaton: there are tons of videos where they just play this scene and change the subtitles to poke fun of stuff like a new Apple product
<lopex> chrisseaton: I guess it's this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363163/
<enebo> chrisseaton: in a sense your product made it if there is a ‘the fall’ video on it
<lopex> chrisseaton: and that;s the most remade scene in the YT or the internets
<lopex> enebo: right ?
<enebo> lopex: could be…I don’t know
<lopex> chrisseaton: I highly recommend this movie though http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4176826/
<enebo> hmm CFG optimizer is nuking inlined self out of existence…why did this take so long to find
<lopex> its quite deep
<lopex> wow imdb score is rather high
<lopex> and it's very unpolitical
<lopex> and it's not fun ultimately
<chrisseaton> enebo: did you know your jar is not executable?
<chrisseaton> As in java -jar?
<lopex> no main class in meta inf ?
<chrisseaton> We've moved almost all our logic from the bash launcher into Java as well
<chrisseaton> I don't think so
<lopex> chrisseaton: lol, I'm readin about java 9 removals https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2017/01/jdk-9-end-road-features.html
<lopex> cool javadb is gone
<lopex> hmm, lots of that is a thing of jigsaw right ?
<lopex> chrisseaton: you mean the whole jruby isnt -jar executable ?
<enebo> chrisseaton: you mean jruby.jar vs jruby-complete.jar right?
<enebo> chrisseaton: I know the later is executable but not sure why the former isn’t
<chrisseaton> I didn't think either were
<enebo> chrisseaton: well I do java -jar jruby-complete.jar -S gem list as a test
<enebo> on windows and macos before release
<chrisseaton> Oh ok
<lopex> I mostly used that
<lopex> oh
<lopex> enebo: jruby still is run with bootclasspath in the distros ?
<enebo> it is possible we do not do it for jruby.jar because people reported issues based on not having jruby.home set
<enebo> I do sort of remember getting those reports in the past
<enebo> lopex: -Xbootclasspath/a:"$JRUBY_CP" -classpath "$CP$CP_DELIMITER$CLASSPATH" \
<lopex> cool
<enebo> going to go to store…afk a bit
<lopex> chrisseaton: I remeber folks discovering -X:verify off and then that bootclasspath came
<lopex> chrisseaton: what are you struggling wrt warmup mostly now ?
<lopex> the hotspot infra ?
<lopex> algorithms ?
<lopex> graphs ?
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<lopex> from what I hear profile storing is a hard thing
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<chrisseaton> AOT is coming soon, that solves startup and helps warmup
<chrisseaton> We hope to have something public soon
<lopex> coool
<lopex> know I'ts irrelevant but some problems in evaluating neural networks in genetic algorithms face similar problems
<lopex> like,trained new pop, will be different in another generationl
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<lopex> so why loose, all the training
<chrisseaton> why forget all the profiling info?
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> just invent a way to (propably erronously refill the data)
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<chrisseaton> We hope in the future to do an AOT build with Rails where Rails is already loaded and warmed up in the image and then just mmapped in
<lopex> ah
<lopex> wow
<lopex> and just mmap in to process ?
<lopex> but how do you want to trade online and AOT then ?
<lopex> any one can compile to ruby tight ?
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<lopex> rails is still strong
<lopex> the js side is https://risingstars2016.js.org/
<chrisseaton> The image is just the starting point - you can keep profiling and compiling from there
<chrisseaton> It's a fantastic piece of technology - you can run a Java program up to a certain point, freeze it, and that frozen point becomes a statically linked stand alone binary, and then you run it the Java program continues from that point, with all the objects you had before you froze still available
<chrisseaton> And all your methods statically compiled but also available for JIT
<lopex> also with sulong ?
<chrisseaton> Yeah
<lopex> wow
<chrisseaton> That may not be part of any release we do very soon though
<lopex> chrisseaton: just tell me, how bad that ruby c macros are
<lopex> aka ruby API
<chrisseaton> I usually just implement them as function calls
<lopex> isnt that lol ?
<chrisseaton> A few are l-values (left hand side values) so have to be macros
<lopex> how does sulong sees them as ?
<chrisseaton> I implement those as special memory locations that have callbacks when they're written to, like virtual memory
<lopex> as functions ?
<lopex> whatever ?
<lopex> ah
<lopex> chrisseaton: imagine c++ had macros with it's own semantics
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<lopex> you'de be gone
<lopex> anywys, cool
<lopex> chrisseaton: I gather truffle-jruby is the most active playground for sulong now ?
<chrisseaton> It's a focus yes
<chrisseaton> It's TruffleRuby btw :)
<lopex> chrisseaton: like doesnt R have any bindings ?
<lopex> yeah
<chrisseaton> R does, but they have a JNI version that works ok, and we don't
<lopex> I remember
<lopex> ah
<chrisseaton> The same for JS
<lopex> it's rocket science in engineering
<lopex> yeah
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<lopex> was about to ask bout that
<lopex> well, if you can bridge on ruby you can on anything
<lopex> #define value whatever_poiner << 1
<lopex> doh
<lopex> and that's api
<lopex> :P
<lopex> wow I didnt know rails is going so strong still
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