<lopex> headius: anyways spring is going strong
<headius> phoenix is the Rust framework?
<headius> I wonder why we don't see localized POSIX error descriptions
<headius> maybe you have to call a separate API for that
<headius> huh...looks like they just might be localized on some systems...that will be fun where we're matching the error description
<headius> we can clean that up though
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<headius> of course I go and break something again
<lopex> headius: elixir
<headius> yeah I wonder if that could be counted as a Ruby
<headius> it started out going toward that goal but quickly just became Ruby syntax for Erlang
<lopex> syntax wise only
<lopex> but it has some selling points
<headius> yeah
<headius> if I had a need to run on that VM I sure wouldn't use Erlang :-)
<lopex> headius: imagine openning a file spawns a new erlangvm green thread
<lopex> essentialy everything spawns a microthread
<headius> yeah I wonder if project Loom will be able to do something like that
<headius> we need to try hooking that up
<lopex> headius: so there seems to be multiple MxN policies
<lopex> not sure how loom aplies to erlangvm
<headius> I suppose you'd need MxN to work against Loom coroutines/continuations
<lopex> I'm not even sure how they relate to cooperativeness
<lopex> I guess the N should be cooperative right ?
<headius> hmm
<headius> yeah I dunno
<headius> I guess yielding control from a coroutine is cooperative
<lopex> I just spit words, dont take my words seriously
<headius> hah
<lopex> headius: but that's within a system thread right ?
<lopex> or well
<headius> well I'm just wondering now, on what boundaries would Erland microthreads be descheduled
<headius> Erlang
<lopex> er, the simple model for MxN is that N is green within a native right ?
<headius> yeah I suppose generally so, or there's some way to involuntarily deschedule one of those N thread things at any time?
<lopex> headius: but they N might no essentially be cooperative ?
<headius> yeah I guess that really still is green threaded
<headius> but you have M possible native threads that can drive the green ones
<lopex> depends on the model
<lopex> er, M is system right ?
<headius> yeah green threaded in my mind somehow got combined with interpreted
<headius> or non-stack-deepening
<headius> like MRI was "green threaded" but the C stack actually did deepen
<headius> they just kept swapping the C stack and the VM state out
<lopex> I thought it was just swapping the stacks
<lopex> well, 1.8
<headius> well according to wikipedia it's a thread that's scheduled by a runtime library rather than by the OS thread scheduler
<headius> all state for the Ruby thread is in globals, so they swap that too
<lopex> so another pthread ?
<headius> but yeah, swapping C stacks...you could still blow out the C stack like any other program
<headius> well it's multiple pthreads now
<headius> so now you actually have N threads that the OS tries to schedule but they re-impose their own scheduling on it
<headius> so isn't that the definition of green threading too? :-D
<lopex> dont ask me
<headius> ha
<lopex> for me green just is internal schedule on some criteria
<lopex> timewise or the like
<lopex> even counting instructions
<lopex> headius: or not ?
<lopex> I'm really misinformed on that I guess
<lopex> but I hope I have some intuitions
<lopex> headius: so how did 1.8 schedule worked ?
<headius> they periodically pinged a status bit set by a signal handler on a timer
<headius> I tink it was 10ms
<headius> rb_check_ints I think it was called
<lopex> so within a native thread a microone would what ?
<lopex> noncooperative
<headius> at various points during interpretation it would check if some of those bits were set
<headius> if so the thread voluntarily deschedules itself and schedules someone else
<lopex> headius: do my questions make sanse actually ?
<headius> do my answers make sense? :-D
<lopex> yeah
<headius> it was cooperative schedule
<headius> you could write an extension that would never give up the thread
<lopex> so I'm sonfusing cooperative with yield then
<headius> in fact most extensions never gave up the thread, which was a problem if they blocked and did a lot of work
<lopex> if I yield I'm cooperative right ?
<headius> yeah
<lopex> or not
<headius> well so this was cooperative from the C level but not avoidable in Ruby
<headius> there were several AST nodes for which they'd ping those bits
<headius> more than you'd think necessary really
<headius> nil, true, false
<lopex> but you could imagine another MxN model where green was based on time right ?
<headius> well that's what I'm wondering about Erlang
<lopex> both M and N non cooperative
<headius> therre are ways to just yank the thread out from under executing code, but it's obviously hard if it's using real registers and stack
<headius> if on the other hand it's all in an interpreter you could really schedule an instruction at a time from each one if you wanted
<headius> seems like there's this really broad sliding scale of MxN boundaries possible
<lopex> I think the N is cooperative on erlang
<headius> well you're encouraged to write small functions right?
<lopex> headius: actor model demands it I guess ?
<headius> yeah right, actor model
<lopex> with in a thread I pass a message within green schedule
<headius> so is it really MxN
<headius> if the context switch is only at actor message boundary
<lopex> so wrt akka ith's java threads and actor queues
<lopex> or am I confusing this
<headius> yeah
<headius> I mean yeah akka
<headius> but this is what I don't know: can an executing Erlang function/actor whatever be suspended at any time
<lopex> no idea
<lopex> I hate this stuff, so I want to understand it
<lopex> headius: so actually it's all about green thread suspension ?
<lopex> within native thread ?
<headius> I don't know it's fuzzy to me too
<headius> if all that's required is that you have your own scheduler, then any actor framework could be called MxN
<lopex> headius: it always reminds mi python yield
<lopex> just suspend stack but with syntax
<headius> yeah
<headius> it's yield in Fiber too
<lopex> and with arbitrary memory model things can get very messy
<headius> if you had hidden yield calls in Ruby it would basically be like having a 1.8 threading model inside each 1.9 thread
<lopex> blows my ming wrt reasoning aready
<lopex> mind
<lopex> ok, so erland seems to separate many things it seems
<lopex> and it just blocks for resourses
<lopex> all that seems to be variations of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiversion_concurrency_control
<lopex> in some contrived ways
<lopex> and isolation guarantees
<lopex> but it;s just me spitting slogans
<lopex> headius: the loom does something non jvm compat under the hood ?
<lopex> I might imagine some rewriting bytecode stuff
<bga57> headius: the other day, I mentioned that jruby 9.2 had a different behaviour in a freebsd jail for File.rename than either JRuby 9.1 or MRI, but I did some further investigation, and it has to do with the way statfs works in freebsd jails, and I think jruby 9.2 is probably closer to correct behavior than jruby 9.1, although maybe it should give the same results as MRI.
<lopex> headius: Click said something special about writes here at the end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZOuCuGrw48
<headius> loom operates completely under the surface of the JVM
<headius> bga57: ah yes, I suppose it's related to a world-readable dir?
<headius> rename...so this is a ToC-to-ToU thing
<lopex> headius: erlanvg vm almost never do the writes
<headius> my favorite exploit nobody's heard of
<lopex> er, in memory
<headius> lopex: ah interesting
<lopex> it;s all spawns
<headius> found a bug on OS X calculator
<headius> when in octal mode if you paste a number it pastes in decimal mode and shows you the octal for it
<bga57> something like that. it depends on whether you can statfs something in /tmp, and there's a setting where you can't if /tmp is in /tmpfs. MRI decides that if you can statfs one of the files, but not the other, they must be on different devices, but jruby 9.2 reports the can't stat error.
<bga57> is that something where you'd like an issue because it doesn't quite match MRI?
<headius> yeah that's the code but we report an error?
<bga57> you report a different error, so bundler fails because it's expecting the different devices error.
<bga57> or at least it knows what to do with the different devices error.
<headius> hmm
<headius> ok so for 9.2 I implemented this using Java 8 path API
<headius> which has support for actually looking at the filesystem of a file and stuff
<bga57> yeah, I looked at the code, but I didn't look at the MRI code.
<headius> what error is it looking for?
<headius> we throw EXDEV it looks like
<headius> oh unless one of these fs lookups can fail....
<headius> @throws IOException
<headius> if an I/O error occurs
<headius> thanks.
<bga57> I get IOError (Mount point not found in fstab)
<headius> aha
<headius> that's it
<bga57> So I can open an issue if you want to match MRI
<headius> whatever the path API is calling to get the FS is failing with an unrecognized IOException
<headius> yeah do that
<bga57> ok, thanks, I'll do it.
<bga57> I realize it's a probably a really rare occurrence, except for a few freebsd users, like me.
<headius> well it's an interesting find
<headius> I wrapped this code with a blanket catch (IOException) because there were no docs on why it might be raised
<headius> but it can fail for any of the reasons of realpath(3) at least...they just raise the error as far as I can see
<headius> The function realpath() may fail and set the external variable errno for any of the errors specified for the library functions alloca(3), getattrlist(2), getcwd(3), lstat(2),
<headius> readlink(2), stat(2), and strdup(3).
<headius> oh is that all
<headius> yah there's that and then I think I see the stat one
<headius> looks like JDK calls lstat in this case
<headius> lstat64
<headius> and there it is
<headius> throw new IOException("Mount point not found in fstab");
<headius> BsdNativeDispatcher.getfsstat()
<headius> why couldn't they make a real exception type to raise
<headius> bga57: fix is easy but gross...it's the JDK impl that's raising this error
<headius> we can make a fallback for this exception to basically just say "can't get FS, can't determine if it's the same" like MRI
<headius> I think it's 50/50 which is the better error but us throwing a dumb IOError is weird
<bga57> I haven't checked to see what MRI does if both old and new are in /tmp, but it can't create new, for example, because the directory where new is located is read only.
<headius> seems like some specs are in order
<headius> I am annoyed that they put a hard error in for this
<headius> for this specific case in fact
<headius> where a file's fs does not show up in the system's list of mounted filesystems
<headius> I'm looking at Java 9 code, this may have been fixed later
<bga57> oh, MRI properly detects rename to read-only directory, too.
<bga57> I'm using openjdk8
<bga57> freebsd doesn't have java9, will probably get java11 next, but no idea how soon.
<headius> heh Android at least include the fs in the error message
<headius> so MRI does error in all these cases anyway
<headius> we're erroring now but not providing a specific-enough error
<headius> we'll have to match on the text of the exception but them's the breaks for now
<headius> bga57: got that bug filed or still exploring?
<bga57> Just filed it, but I included a second end case for rename to a read-only folder
<bga57> I reset the enforce_statfs option for the jail, so I have a workaround.
<headius> ok
<bga57> Sorry, I didn't mean for you to work on it so late.
<headius> no worries, I always work this late
<headius> so does tmpfs not show up as a mount point then?
<headius> with this setting
<headius> oh right because it's in a jail
<bga57> tmpfs       66782216    4 66782212     0%    [restricted]
<bga57> strange, if I do a df, it only shows the root file system, but if I cd to /tmp and then do df . I get
<bga57> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
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<headius> does root fs say [restricted] for mount point too?
<headius> does a rename work if you're in /tmp? :-D
<headius> I added info to the bug about this discussion
<headius> jnr-constants nonsense wasted a lot of time
<headius> goodnight
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<ChrisBr> headius: enebo: kares: if you want to visit me in the country of beer & brezels next year -> https://rubyonice.com/
<ChrisBr> (CfP is also still open)
<enebo> ChrisBr: thanks for the heads up. I remember this being announced but I forgot about it.
<ChrisBr> yeah! I was there last year and it was quite nice. Would be cool if there are some jruby people there next year. Ivo Anjo had also some talk there last year.
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<kares> nice! well maybe if I manage to make a bug this year for a budget ;)
<kares> actually sounds like one conference worth trying
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<ChrisBr> kares: headius: is there a difference between require with and without extension?
<ChrisBr> Asking regarding bootsnap
<ChrisBr> if I do require 'socket' everything works, require 'socket.jar' does crash
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