something in Dir.glob works ok with the classloader/jar URI as a single string but does not work when it is passed as a separate base path
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headius: yeah hopefully it is a small change
if we fix that case in glob it may be done
the fixed deps is not a big thing either
yeah if we're going to have people dependent on these deps not conflicting we need a CI job to keep us honest
there's too many connections
I'm going to spend a little bit on that RG issue but then I need to get back to AOT
I made the milestone and assigned
you milestone the deps issue too?
I just cloned the repo but I have some planned stuff this afternoon
yeah it is marked for
I might have found the problem already
if this fix is easy I'm going to feel bad
well I have a fix
I dunno if it is good or easy but it works
some day I'll learn the lesson: no matter what feature you remove or break, there's someone out there using it
yeah I need to learn it as well
and the corollary: don't add features
I know that one
the disconnect of Java file APIs with Ruby string encoding always makes examining changes like this troublesome
well we have so damn many methods for resolving paths it's not clear what to use
my PR adds a string-only RubyFile.expandPath that handles all the same cases as File.expand_path
but we still have a half dozen other paths
I used this because the working version of the glob call used File.expand_path to combine the base and glob, so it made sense to use it from within Dir.glob
One comment not related to the actual fix is we should make an expandPath which does not require passing in a boxed Encoding and one which just returns the RubyString
there was one that returned RubyString before but it was no longer used after I made this new one
expandPathInternal is the other RubyString version
that just backends on this new public expandPath now
passing in the box to only use it once for making a RubyString looks strange to me
I basically split it in two but the enc carrier was necessary because it chooses either the base string's enc or the system enc
I guess even having a method which hides that detail would make it look a tiny bit nicer
if you have RubyString in hand, calling the expandPathInternal is equivalent to calling expandPath with j.l.String
hmm yeah
I know a way
null enc[] path
the Dir.glob use doesn't care about the enc (maybe it should but it doesn't)
as I said I am not really sure how to resolve these anyways
Mostly we never seem to notice of care because utf-8 is king now
yeah that has probably "fixed" a bunch of remaining enc problems by making them moot
but in any case any Ruby Encoding must have a matching charset for whatever encoding the file name is on the OS
but if I am on UTF-8 filesystem and I have S-JIS encoded string it could probably transcode to UTF-8
should it?
This is where I get confused
It is not like we even know what the FS is either
well I think the intent is that when you finally get a file path out, it's encoded like other filesystem strings would be rather than whatever input encoding you happened to use
I think we are just using file.encoding as meaning system FS encoding
yeah I agree that seems to be what we hope for
file.encoding I guess is as good as it gets in Java
unless there is some newer API which tells us
Even then people incorrectly writing to a fs with wrong encoding may still write out ok but just be weirdness
it would be a wacky system that defaulted to a local of UTF-8 but had filesystem encoded as something else
I was merely using UTF-8 as an example of popular value
maybe to restate we should transcode to encoding/charset of file.encoding on all file apis? Or just assume they are passing in the proper strings to begin with
PR is green
oh I see what you're saying
why potentially use incoming encoding ever if we intend to provide a filesystem path
I guess I don't know 🤔 I was just trying to make that refactor zero-sum
yeah my question is mostly wondering about the broader how should that work and not specifically if this fixes or doesn' fix RG globbingh
I could try pushing that change... no enc carrier and anyone calling it uses fsenc
or rather the one RubyString caller unconditionally uses fsenc
I mean to me it is more of a general question...I only thought about because I did not see the need for the out param more than passing it in the first place...although I did come around that corner
it seems like it mostly replaces enc with fsenc when there's some shell character to expand
but I can't give a good reason why it shouldn't always use fsenc
so in MRI can I write weird shit as a filename which is not technically an error in file.encoding of UTF-8 but will just be a lot of ???? in ls
If so then we have some form of answer although it will raise the next question
yeah it switches to fsenc if expanding ~, if expanding based on a base path, or if it's the NUL path on Windows
hahah funny
otherwise it uses the enc of the thing you're expanding
I mean ~/S-JIS and S-JIS will write out differenrly
headius: I feel like I am distracting you from what you would rather be working on
well I want to put this to bed
This seems like it might be better but I do not know if this is proper semantics or not
neither do I
this logic only loosely resembles MRI because of the other forms of path we support
yeah I think we should do minimal work here and maybe work on what is appropriate for 9.3
how about I merge this as is and we can throw the simplification into another branch to test
if it's green maybe it's ok
sure I say merge it
gimme a thumbs up review on PR
ok merge was against master but I think I got 9.2 merged properly too and merge base is current
I'll push a PR for the additional change based on master
Nathan2296 has joined #jruby
Hey, I'm trying to build concurrentr-ruby but I'm running into issues. Following the documentation leads to the following error: https://pastebin.com/Fa4VYsnV
As it suggests, I set the JRUBY_HOME variable to both the jar file and the bin directory to no avail
I also tried running the jruby command it suggests, which leads to a whole other set of errors: https://pastebin.com/PWJCWaTN
JRUBY_HOME should be the dir below bin/
the main JRuby dist dir
it also appears that it's not running with JRuby initially
Great that actually led to a new error! Progress
So running the direct jruby command still leads to the errors mentioned in the second paste