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<anianna[m]> Hi,
<anianna[m]> This is regarding JRuby tests. Multiple JRuby tests fail with "NoMethodError: undefined method `exclude' for main:Object". I am running on docker
<anianna[m]> nearly 284 tests fail due to this error
<anianna[m]> Env Info:
<anianna[m]> docker image: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
<anianna[m]> JAVA_HOME: JAVA11 (Zulu community)
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<headius[m]> enebo: first pass through the PR looks reasonable to me
<headius[m]> I saw johnphillips31416 posted something about a deadlock but would that be related to your stuff at all?
<headius[m]> anianna: hello!
<headius[m]> is over two years old now I believe, you should try to use current sources from jruby-9.2 branch on Github
<headius[m]> Also, the tests in test/mri should be run using test/mri/runner, which loads support for "excludes" we use to filter out tests known to be failing
<headius[m]> runner.rb
<headius[m]> the files in test/mri/excludes are the place we put those excludes, and they're loaded automatically if you run with the runner.rb and pass --excludes=test/mri/excludes
<headius[m]> If this isn't documented in the BUILDING.md file it should be
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<enebo[m]> headius: yeah I just had some lunch and have been pondering how anything could cause this
<enebo[m]> prepareXXX are the only two methods which use synchronize
<headius[m]> it doesn't seem to be deadlocked anywhere near those if I read the trace right
<enebo[m]> at this point they probably do not even need to now but I do not see how those could be the cause at all
<headius[m]> and prepare is pretty leafy so it shouldn't be held long
<enebo[m]> Well no but it is just one thread on a sleep
<headius[m]> yeah
<enebo[m]> I did not get a direct answer to my question so I am still wondering
<ilikeorangutans[> hi friends, i'm running into some surprising behaviour with BigDecimals that I don't understand. For reasons I don't quite understand our codebase uses `BigDecimal` but also import `java.math.BigDecimal` and to keep the ruby version available, it assigns `RubyBigDecimal = BigDecimal` before the java import (i know, i know). Now, this happens:
<ilikeorangutans[> ```
<enebo[m]> When not on this branch does warbler load work. I guess it is implied a yes
<headius[m]> ilikeorangutans: well that's a puzzler
<headius[m]> first off I'd recommend leaving the Ruby one in place and aliasing the Java one... there are other places throughout JRuby that expect "BigDecimal" to be the Ruby one
<enebo[m]> and those two lines are literally in a row like that or is that a before/after
<headius[m]> enebo: yeah I assumed it's working otherwise
<headius[m]> but that is not 100% clear
<ilikeorangutans[> <headius[m] "first off I'd recommend leaving "> can i alias the java version just like the ruby version? like `JavaBigDecimal = BigDecimal`?
<headius[m]> JavaBigDecimal = java.math.BigDecimal
<headius[m]> there's also a java_import form but the above is nice and neat
<headius[m]> java_import("java.math.BigDecimal") { "JavaBigDecimal" }
<ilikeorangutans[> wait, java_import takes a block??
<headius[m]> yeah actually the block takes |package, classname| but usually you're just giving it a new name altogether
<ilikeorangutans[> neat!
<headius[m]> it's an older form before you could just assign a constant with the dotted package, which I like better personally
<enebo[m]> In examining other commits on and IR changes I do not see what would cause this
<enebo[m]> The only possible thing I see which made me pause is we synch prepareXXX
<enebo[m]> We have done that forever though
<enebo[m]> The main difference now is fullInterpreterContext is set later within those methods
<johnphillips3141> Sorry for the confusion. I've tested previously with and had no issues, and Ive tested the ir_concurrency branch previously
<johnphillips3141> But in my latest testing my Warbler jar hangs at startup.
<headius[m]> consistently?
<johnphillips3141> Yes, I've built and tried several times
<headius[m]> ok
<headius[m]> mysterious
<johnphillips3141> Can u think of anything I should try?
<enebo[m]> bisecting might since it seems to have worked at some point during the branch
<johnphillips3141> I thought maybe since Warbler has a different jruby entry point some initialization got skipped
<enebo[m]> I am not sure what it would uncover since I have no ideas atm
<enebo[m]> Well it is possible there is extra synchronization and with multiple threads maybe calling in somehow something locks?
<enebo[m]> I am just spitballing
<johnphillips3141> I'm building locally off the branch so possibly I'm not doing it right
<johnphillips3141> But I've been successful previously
<johnphillips3141> I build the jruby jars and gem install into my dev env
<enebo[m]> The least sophisticated way of building which will work is 'mvn clean; mvn'
<enebo[m]> I always force full builds in this case
<enebo[m]> does warbler use jruby-complete?
<johnphillips3141> I'll try a clean build
<johnphillips3141> Not sure I know what that is
<enebo[m]> johnphillips31416: ah jruby-complete.jar can get generated which is jruby.jar and all of stdlib packaged together
<johnphillips3141> Warbler uses org.jruby.embed.ScriptingContainer
<enebo[m]> yeah. ScriptingContainer has multiple execution modes too so I should grab warbler and see which one it uses
<johnphillips3141> Warbler pulls in jruby via jruby-jars gem
<johnphillips3141> I posted a link to the Warbler code in the ticket
<enebo[m]> newScriptingContainer appears to use default no-arg constructor via reflection
<enebo[m]> So it is run in SINGLETON mode which means it will only enable one JRuby runtime
<enebo[m]> The stack is just not really close to what we have been changing...Some ruby code calls Kernel#sleep and then there it sits
<enebo[m]> A git bisect might help if it identifies a consistent commit but only because nothing it jumping out
<enebo[m]> The basic question of what is different with ScriptingContainer will probably end up being the right question but my answer at this point would be nothing
<enebo[m]> This particular mode does store the runtime as a static field and does not run any runtime teardown
<enebo[m]> If we think of those two things and how it affects startup though?
<enebo[m]> I see this is doing a send to something which is doing a sleep
<enebo[m]> I will look around send a little bit
<johnphillips3141> We've been using Warbler for several years, currently w jruby
<enebo[m]> yeah I am sure our changes on this branch is doing it somehow
<enebo[m]> At some level I could see if somehow we were reading the wrong variable scope it could change what argument sleep is getting and it is just sleeping a loooong time or something
<enebo[m]> which would imply not a deadlock at all...OTOH why would it work from jruby commandline but not from embedding
<johnphillips3141> Is there a jruby jar gem artifact from this branch? I can try using it instead of my own
<headius[m]> nothing pushed as part of our builds but it shouldn't be very different... how are you building it?
<johnphillips3141> Just ./mvnw -Pjruby-jars
<headius[m]> should be fine, I don't think there's anything else required right enebo ?
<johnphillips3141> We set BUNDLER_VERSION to 2.0.2
<headius[m]> so if you swap the ir_concurrency jar for one from a 9.2.12 build it works ok, no other changes
<headius[m]> looking at your trace again now
<johnphillips3141> I built and tried ir_concurrency last week
<johnphillips3141> Successfully
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<headius[m]> ok
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<headius[m]> it shall be dealt with
<headius[m]> whatever it is
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<abelsromero[m]> Hi! just chasing the topic on the jruby-maven-plugins 👉️ https://github.com/torquebox/jruby-maven-plugins/pull/106 I completed all changes
<headius[m]> abelsromero: hey there, I will review soon... we are trying to get some major fixes out in 9.2.13
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