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<fzakaria1> Dang; moving all the gems require didn't improve startup much.
<fzakaria1> have to add more instrumentation but then it means that the majority of time loading our own code
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<travis-ci> MariuszCwikla/jruby-openssl (issue_209_X509_Name_hash:a958df6 by Mariusz Ćwikla): The build is still failing. (
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<mariuszcwikla[m]> headius: I've just updated my PR in jruby-openssl with the fix for long names. Looks good to me now.
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<headius[m]> Ok great
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<boc_tothefuture[> Hey headius what happens to elements that are added to JRuby in JSR233 with ScriptEngine.put method? I dont' see where they get scoped? I dont' see them as local_variables, instance_variables or global_variables when I print those thigns?
<headius[m]> Well clearly the File value becomes a Ruby constant...outside of that I would have to check
<headius[m]> They may go into local variables or global variables but not be reflected by the methods that return those
<boc_tothefuture[> Ok.. so it does go into local and constants I guess based on capitlization
<boc_tothefuture[> * Ok.. so it does go into local and constants I guess based on capitalization
<headius[m]> 👍
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