Anyone around tonight? Is org.jruby.util.Random designed like that to match MRI's PRNG? Have you found that's needed by a lot of applications?
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chrisseaton: jruby has a port of MRI's mersenne twister
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to truffle-head: http://git.io/_NvfgA
jruby/truffle-head 0e6ced5 Chris Seaton: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-head
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[jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to update_stdlib: http://git.io/UpVm-g
jruby/update_stdlib 6a3b991 Charles Oliver Nutter: Apply psych/test_emitter.rb change from MRI.
jruby/update_stdlib 688a71b Charles Oliver Nutter: Update to Snakeyaml 1.14.
jruby/update_stdlib 4d82e39 Charles Oliver Nutter: Exclude test due to SnakeYAML behavior.
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to update_stdlib: http://git.io/_4p4Jg
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jruby/update_stdlib 47b4623 Charles Oliver Nutter: Pull up EXCLUDES hacks into test/lib's minitest....
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subbu: bunch of LocalJumpErrors here, while running MRI tests on my branch update_stdlib (2.2 stdlib and tests): lib/ruby/stdlib/webrick/server.rb:216
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in test:mri net/http tests
there may be a number of tests failing because of this, e.g. socket tests, other protocols
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[jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/l1HNHg
jruby/jruby-1_7 d3d8355 Pablo Varela: Made Exception#set_backtrace compliant with Ruby documentation by supporting single Strings.
jruby/jruby-1_7 1bb4722 Pablo Varela: Fixed spacing
jruby/jruby-1_7 ceb199a Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge pull request #2068 from pabloatplumbee/jruby-1_7...
But if I know what I want to learn, I already know it...
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in short I see this when I run 'jruby -v': OptoFactory.java:109:in `<clinit>': java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/Opcodes
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[jruby] headius pushed 4 new commits to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/e0kNnA
jruby/jruby-1_7 23570f5 Gustav Munkby: Avoid manual unroll of non-hot SipHash loops...
jruby/jruby-1_7 43b2ef4 Gustav Munkby: Hoist SipHashInline range checks...
jruby/jruby-1_7 c02fcd7 Gustav Munkby: Use Unsafe to read a long at a time...
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[jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/k7X59Q
jruby/master 696dedf Robin Dupret: Module#ancestors now includes singletons themselves...
jruby/master 3f5d6ed Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge pull request #1870 from robin850/singleton-ancestors...
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avsej: that's really weird
that class comes from the "ASM" library, which is what we use for all JVM bytecode generation
if that's missing something's very strange with the build, since it shouldn't even compile
can you figure out what package it is installing?
fawefeawfewa: I guess that makes it hard to answer your question, but I'd say you get good at learning more advanced Ruby by reading code from established projects like Rails
not that Rails is the *style* of Ruby I'd recommend learning, but it does make extensive use of many "advanced" Ruby features
we usually rewrite the package naming for ASM because many Java libraries depend on different versions of it...I'm guessing they published a build of JRuby that rewrites references to the package but does not rewrite the library itself
er, other way around
rewritten asm but still accessing the non-rewritten package
headius, it shows nothing
ok, then it's a more severe problem with their build...the classes we need aren't even there
there are newer packages that I know work for people
are you stuck with that one?
1.7.2 is over a year old I think
i was just using the one from the repo. fedora rawhide is kind of debian unstable, the place where the most fresh software getting tested
avsej: locally, I see lines like this: org/jruby/org/objectweb/asm/util/ASMifiable.class
avsej: hmm
I don't remember who was working on fedora packaging for JRuby but there should definitely be newer packages than 1.7.2
maybe they're not in any of the main lines yet :-\
avsej: you could try yum install objectweb-asm
maybe they have this busted up so deps can't be bundled like we usually do
but missing a dependency on that lib
it says it is installed
btw on stable fedora there no such package in jar, but yet it works
Antiarc: how far did you get on Process#groups? I noticed the long list of fileutils tests all fail because that's missing, and now I'm eager to get it in :-)
oh, but objectweb-asm version different: 3.3.1 in stable and 5.0.3 in rawhide
can it break things?
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yes it could
I see objectweb-asm4 in your output
so I'm confused about 4 vs 5.0.3
avsej: can I get a copy of that package's jruby.jar easily? I don't have fedora rawhide here
sure, I can put it somewhere one sec
headius: I'm not really attached to that PR as-is since a) in its current form its not as explicit about :: as it was originally and b) its was enebo's suggestion initially and I don't have a strong opinion on it
byteit101: did we already merge your :: patch?
no, thats the one you were talking about 4 minuts ago on github