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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] subbuss pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 06dcfae Subramanya Sastry: Fixed up old profiling code...
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<headius> hello all
<subbu> hello .. i happen to be awake early. :)
<headius> hiya subbu
<subbu> @ rubyconf?
<multibot_> Maybe you meant: . 1337 ? @ activity activity-full admin all-dicts arr ask auto-reply auto-reply? b52s bf bid botsnack bouvier brain bug check choice-add choose cide clear-auto-reply clear-messages clear-topic codepage compose define dequeue-topic devils dice dict-help djinn djinn-add djinn-clr djinn-del djinn-env djinn-names djinn-ver do docs
<multibot_> dummy easton echo elements elite eval faq farber flush foldoc forget fortune free freshname gazetteer get-shapr get-topic ghc girl19 google googleit gsite gwiki hackage haskellers help hitchcock hoogle hoogle+ id ignore index instances instances-importing irc-connect irc-password jargon join karma karma+ karma- karma-all keal kind l33t learn
<multibot_> leave leet let letlpaste list listall listchans listmodules listservers localtime localtime-reply messages messages-loud messages? metar more msg nazi-off nazi-on nixon oeis offline palomer part paste ping pinky pl pl-resume pointful pointless pointy poll-add poll-close poll-list poll-remove poll-result poll-show pop-topic pretty print-notices
<multibot_> protontorpedo purge-notices push-topic queue-topic quit quote rc reconnect remember repoint roll run sequence set-topic shift-topic shootout show slap smack spell spell-all src tell thank you thanks thesaurus thx tic-tac-toe ticker time todo todo-add todo-delete type undefine undo unlambda unmtl unpf unpl unpointless unshift-topic uptime url v
<multibot_> vera version vote what where where+ wiki wn world02 yarr yhjulwwiefzojcbxybbruweejw yow
<subbu> what did i do??
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<subbu> headius, at rubyconf?
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<headius> subbu: I guess you made multibot unhappy
<headius> not yet in flight now
<subbu> ah, in-flight wifi! :) ok.
<headius> indeed :-)
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<headius> subbu: I am pretty sure method scopes always start out public
<headius> class/module bodies as well...only toplevel is private by default
<subbu> ah, interesting. i didn't know that.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] subbuss opened issue #2207: TOPLEVEL_BINDING fix needed for JIT
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] subbuss opened issue #2208: JIT fix needed for keyword args used in super
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<subbu> filing issues to make sure we don't lose track of these edge cases.
<headius> yeah I'm looking at 2207 now
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 4610594 Charles Oliver Nutter: Get -v into regression specs to find hangs.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 3a0f427 Charles Oliver Nutter: More attempts to make this pass. Nondeterminism sucks.
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<headius> subbu: looking at your fix
<headius> so basically it keeps the RootNode's dynamic scope around to push
<subbu> ya
<headius> I see it no longer checks dynScopeEliminated
<subbu> i think you had some qns. about whether this is right at all .. and what the otp-level-binding is.
<headius> is that because you now set root scopes to be binding escaped all the time, and this code is only encountered when running top-level scope?
<subbu> yes.
<subbu> set it to binding escaped all the time.
<headius> I think I just need to do the same logic in my top-level wrapper logic in Compiler
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<headius> I'm going to rename it to toplevelScope because I believe TOPLEVEL_BINDING is only the main script
<headius> so tlbScope in other loaded files is confusing
<headius> to me
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<subbu> ok.
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<headius> subbu: does toplevel script not have call protocol?
<headius> it seems like this would cause it to push two scopes, one for tlb, one inside the body of the script
<headius> I guess it doesn't
<headius> that explains the crash I guess
<subbu> yes .. explicit call protocol instrs are only add for .. scope instanceof IRMethod || (scope instanceof IRModuleBody && !(scope instanceof IRMetaClassBody));
<subbu> we'll progressively whittle these away and have it everywhere.
<headius> ok
<headius> it's actually ok for this because jit-compiled script execution goes through a different wrapper than class or method bodies
<headius> that probably should be improved
<headius> heh...testing this is cumbersome
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<headius> yow, the zsuper/kwargs fix is nontrivial
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master b38cd18 Charles Oliver Nutter: Remove eval/binding test that's almost totally wrong for 1.9+.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 98fa7a6 Charles Oliver Nutter: Duplicate fix for #2207 in JIT script wrapper.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 422d92f Charles Oliver Nutter: Enable more MRI eval tests....
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<headius> I might punt on this for pre1 and just not compile hashes that are super kwargs
<headius> subbu: this is *only* used for methods with kwargs and zsuper, yes?
<subbu> yes.
<headius> ok
<subbu> i think the only thing to deal with is that boolean flag.
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:3a0f427 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build has errored. (
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<headius> actually the part I need to implement might not be so bad
<subbu> yes.
<subbu> the IR takes care of most of it and uses already implemented functionality except for that odd boolean flag.
<subbu> afk
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:422d92f by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build failed. (
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:422d92f by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build has errored. (
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<headius> subbu: cute fix
<headius> fixing it in JIT exposed an instruction I hadn't implemented for required kwargs
<headius> so yay
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to truffle-head:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-head f19ed28 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Set compiler options.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 7 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 1e79efe Charles Oliver Nutter: Remove unoverridden JVMVisitor methods so they appear so in super.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 74c5227 Charles Oliver Nutter: Rename tlbScope to toplevelScope; not all are TOPLEVEL_BINDING.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 7a5a93a Charles Oliver Nutter: Implement RaiseRequiredKeywordArg in JIT.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius closed issue #2208: JIT fix needed for keyword args used in super
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius closed issue #2207: TOPLEVEL_BINDING fix needed for JIT
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<headius> time to land, toodles
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:d8dd33d by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build failed. (
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<projectodd-ci> Project jruby-master-dist build #83: FAILURE in 5 min 49 sec:
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<headius> woah
<headius> what did I break
<headius> ugh
<headius> the one thing
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius opened issue #2209: IR builder fails on zsuper with kwargs from within block
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] subbuss pushed 2 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master dd7f8b7 Subramanya Sastry: Fix #2205: All (except top-level) scopes have PUBLIC visibility by default...
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 5a134c3 Subramanya Sastry: Added stub method in IRBytecodeAdapter7 to unbreak build
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<headius> subbu: I was going to fix that compile error but then I got seems like the case I added doesn't actually hit this weird kwags hash
<headius> can you show me the syntax that leads to it?
<headius> I thought I just needed kwargs and zsuper in the same method
<subbu> that will get exercised if the kwargs includes a kw rest arg.
<subbu> headius, let me get you an example. one sec.
<headius> ohhhh I see
<headius> ok
<headius> I have a proper indy impl of it basically ready, but then I realized I wasn't testing it :-)
<subbu> i have to figure out the ruby syntax for kw args .. meh .. i don't know it myself :)
<subbu> googling ...
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<subbu> kw *rest* args
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:dd7f8b7 by Subramanya Sastry): The build is still failing. (
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<subbu> mri and jruby -X-C output matches on that .. JIT needs fixing. basically if you fix operands/Hash for the case where the isKWArgsHash flag is set .. JIT shoudl also be compliant. No other fixes should be necessary.
<subbu> lunch time
<headius> ok
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master b8d6643 Charles Oliver Nutter: Fix literal hash size safety check in JVM6 JIT.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 5dec2f1 Charles Oliver Nutter: Fixes for keyrest + zsuper logic in JIT. #2208
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master d227756 Charles Oliver Nutter: Use lookup in hash bootstrap.
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<projectodd-ci> Project jruby-master-test-slow_suites build #24: FAILURE in 1 min 13 sec:
<projectodd-ci> Project jruby-master-spec-compiler build #24: FAILURE in 47 sec:
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:d227756 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. (
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<projectodd-ci> Yippie, build fixed!
<projectodd-ci> Project jruby-master-dist build #84: FIXED in 18 min:
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] k77ch7 opened pull request #2210: improve handling of non ascii character after backslash on master (master...improve_handling_of_nonascii_character_after_backslash_on_master)
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<brycek> anyone remember a jruby-based language that was really just ruby with mandatory indents?
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<Antiarc> jython?
<lopex> not jruby-based though
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<Antiarc> Heh, I know, that was mostly facetious
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<mjc_> haha
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<mjc_> hmm 9k d227756 seems to get stuck in org.jruby.RubyModule.searchMethodCommon() when booting my app
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<subbu> mjc_, does your app use prepend functionality or is it an 1.9 app?
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<Aethenelle> you guys ever play with jni4net in jruby?
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<Antiarc> I've not, but that sounds hilarious
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<mjc_> Subbu: it works in 1.7.latest
<mjc_> So no prepend as far as I know?
<Aethenelle> yes, if it works in 1.7 there's no prepend... you using includes much?
<Aethenelle> Antiarc: it sounds about as sane as rubypython ...
<Antiarc> I'm honestly tempted to try it just to see if I can
<Antiarc> then I need to find a .NET bridge somewhere to another language
<Antiarc> See how far I can get the chain going
<Aethenelle> boo will get you to python(ish)
<Aethenelle> ogod...
<Antiarc> YESSSS.
<Antiarc> I need a free weekend so I can craft something truly obscene out of this now
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<Aethenelle> i think i need to wash my brain out w/ soap now...
<Antiarc> Aethenelle: We could totally do this and market it as a competitor to RubyMotion!
<Antiarc> :D
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<Aethenelle> or... I could keep what's left of my sanity and avoid waking the Deep Ones...
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<Aethenelle> i really need to stop looking at google...
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<Antiarc> ruby -> java -> .net -> obj-c -> java -> .net -> python
<Antiarc> and then back to Ruby
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<tmio> Hi all. I am using jruby for quite some time with the following set-up. We use the runtime in singlethread mode, and we use evals to add code to the runtime (since our platform is quite dynamic)
<tmio> We are seeing 2 issues.
<tmio> 1. If we move to threadsafe, then evals don't work anymore as a way to define classes
<tmio> 2. We see that over time, if we reload a lot (removing constants then rerunning our evals), we have a memory leak taking place in the constants of the main module of jruby.
<tmio> what is a good way to make resources available to the jruby engine, in thread safe mode, without using evals?
<tmio> headius: ^^
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<lopex> evals see current scope so maybe that's a leak source ?
<lopex> tmio: why evals ?
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<tmio> lopex: well, we got sources that are loaded from a source that’s not files
<tmio> and those sources can change over time, as they are being manipulated at runtime.
<lopex> tmio: maybe try to eval with specific binding ?
<tmio> lopex: I’m not sure I follow?
<lopex> or is it already top level binding ?
<tmio> so I found out the mem leak comes from the Argv class
<Aethenelle> define evals don't work to define classes? the classes defined don't exist on the next run?
<tmio> it injects itself as a top scope variable
<tmio> Aethenelle: yes, it seems so.
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<Aethenelle> lemme check some docs...
<tmio> ok thx
<lopex> Aethenelle: I guee the problem is that they cant use require/load
<lopex> *guess
<Aethenelle> lopex: I think you were right with your first thought... lemme take a look at docs... haven't done much w/ the scripting engine...
<lopex> Aethenelle: but htey might be a way via the engine right
<tmio> lopex: yes
<Aethenelle> tmio: can you give us code?
<lopex> *there
<tmio> Aethenelle: let me send you a NDA :)
<lopex> tmio: can you make a minimal case ?
<Aethenelle> bugger... okay, are you creating the container on each eval?
<tmio> Aethenelle: no, we keep the same container
<tmio> lopex: I can do that
<tmio> these are 2 separate issues, as I mentioned, which one do you guys want better?
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<headius> sorry I'm not going to be very responsive this week...but we're not going to do any big formal release for pre1. We'll link to latest working tarball but also tag pre1 and make a post on, stuff like that
<headius> at least make it easy for people to just grab a build and start playing
<tmio> headius: no worries.
<headius> trying to finish slides so we can actually participate in the conf :-)
<Aethenelle> tmio: if I'm right they're related and have the same cause
<tmio> Aethenelle: :) cool. Let me do a little github project to reproduce.
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<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-head 2517489 Chris Seaton: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-head
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian created versions (+4 new commits):
<JRubyGithub> jruby/versions 05f165c Christian Meier: use the VERSION for the archive inside jruby-dist/target
<JRubyGithub> jruby/versions 366ee63 Christian Meier: translate -SNAPSHOT to .snapshot for jruby-jars.gem
<JRubyGithub> jruby/versions 11fe4ea Christian Meier: remove .dev from the version
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian opened pull request #2211: Versions (master...versions)
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<mjc_> Aethenelle: includes as in the rails thing or 'include' the class method?
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<mjc_> Aethenelle: both quite a bit anyway
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<Aethenelle> then it might still be my recent changes... less likely on an include... even less likely w/ all the testing i did...
<Aethenelle> you get that PoC together?
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<mjc_> don't have time to do that for another 3 hours :(
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 477750b Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Implement BEGIN's sibling, END.
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<92AAAGEU8> jruby/jruby (master:477750b by Benoit Daloze): The build has errored. (
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] gdeoliveira opened issue #2212: Kernel#__method__ within a proc returns incorrect value after method definition
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<Aethenelle> mjc_: it's all good... i'll check the logs when i get home and take a look later tonight
<Aethenelle> mjc_: any idea which method it's getting stuck looking up?
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:477750b by Benoit Daloze): The build has errored. (
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] ruivieira opened issue #2213: 404 on RubySpec link in ClasspathAndLoadPath wiki page
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius closed issue #2213: 404 on RubySpec link in ClasspathAndLoadPath wiki page
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<kaawee> Hello! How do I build a gem which depends on one list of gems if the platform is JRuby and on a different list of gems if the platform is MRI?
<projectodd-ci> Yippie, build fixed!
<projectodd-ci> Project jruby-master-test-slow_suites build #25: FIXED in 27 min:
<headius> kaawee: unfortunately you have to release two gems with different depenedencies
<headius> and the one for jruby uses "java" platform
<Antiarc> could you not use a RUBY_PLATFORM check in the gemspec?
<projectodd-ci> Yippie, build fixed!
<projectodd-ci> Project jruby-master-spec-compiler build #25: FIXED in 27 min:
<headius> you can't because the gemspec is used at gem build time to create a static descriptor for the gem
<headius> it sucks but we and RG folks don't have a better way right now
<kaawee> headius: is there any gem which helps me creating 2 gems out of one source tree?
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<headius> Antiarc, kaawee: I guess I should *can* put a platform check in the gemspec, but you still need to have two gems come out of it
<headius> generating one with jruby and one with MRI, basically
<headius> it's often simpler to have two gemspecs
<Antiarc> Ah, for some reason I was thinking you could get away with the one and then have the gemspec be evaluated by your installing ruby at install time. Hm.
<headius> yeah, I wish that worked
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<kaawee> headius: are there any attempts to resolve this issue? else all downstream users of any gem need to have ugly %q{gem 'foo-java' if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java'} lines in their Gemfile
<headius> Gemfile supports platform
<headius> platform :jruby do
<headius> or something like that
<Antiarc> Yeah, you can specify gem 'foo', platform: :java
<Antiarc> or a platform block
<Antiarc> kaawee: Maybe look at how gems like Nokogiri handle multiple platforms with native extensions
<Antiarc> Though that's a bad example since nokogiri doesn't ship a gemspec
<kaawee> I think nokogiri is not foolproof "rvm_error '\n'\''command gem pristine --extensions nokogiri --version'\'' failed, you need to fix this gems manually.'"
<Antiarc> Did it fail because you're missing dependencies to install it?
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<Antiarc> hiredis is another you might look at
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian closed pull request #2214: #2120 - fix require 'win32/registry' (jruby-1_7...fix_require_win32_registry)
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<kaawee> Antiarc: it looks like nokogiri failed because it apparently did not find its own copy of libxml2-devel while trying to compile its own copy of libxslt
<kaawee> Antiarc: thank you about hiredis
<Antiarc> Yup, that would be why. You gotta have the deps to install native extensions :)
<Antiarc> But yeah, basically you just need something like this:
<Antiarc> And then you rake release both under jruby and MRI
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<Antiarc> And it'll build two versions of the gem and publish them, and then rubygems will find the right one
<headius> you can look at weakling and threadsafe gems too
<headius> ok, more slides done...time for chrisseaton's talk :-) bbl