jruby/master 52f332e Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Implement UnboundMethod#to_s and #inspect.
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headius, Antiarc, thanks for the help yesterday! Issue looks to be resolved in jruby-head
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Now that I'm back to benching performance diffs between 1.7.18 and 9k, first thing I'm noticing is 2 full GCs in 1.7.18, and 5 for 9k, though they appear to happen early in the benchmark--probably during the setup phase so I don't think that's affecting the actual benchmark.
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mje113__: ok, that may just be due to 9k using more memory at the moment
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it uses roughly 2x 1.7for just app/library code
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ah, ok that makes sense... back to profiling
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headius: Were those heap dumps useful at all?
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enebo: I think I should get jrubyc working again
only took two days for someone to notice
headius: so there are two routes there for the persist bit
headius: since you will need persistence working
headius: one is to minimally make it work again
headius: the second is to persist using CFG and not at point of IRBuild list of instrs
headius: the second mechanism is more complex because it involves lifecycle of IRScope
which we might want to change so perhaps just unbreaking the persist we have is enough
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headius, yes, would be cleaner then creating lib/jruby.jar in truffle/ after the truffle artifact is ready
oops, what?
enjoy the surprises then :)
headius: this will reproduce the issue w/ activesupport 4.1.8 installed - jruby -e "require 'active_support/time';"
it looks like it's trying to undef "==" twice, and the 2nd time blowing up
hmm language level changed? Did we change java lang level in maven recently?
enebo: I guess that's worth discussing...do we want to always just persist as IR or should I actually compile what I can to bytecode?
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headius: well good question. I thought we decided to do persistence since it would mean 100% of AOT would just work
well yeah, it would "work" :-)
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I could also just vomit the source into the class file and re-parse it
headius: well it can force a compile at threshold 0
somehow it seems like it's less interesting then
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headius: and still fail back to interp
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yeah hmmm
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headius: persist has big advantages over time
headius: since if you do not JIT until load then any changes we made to opt passes will be applied then and not when you save it
I was going to say before that I'd just go ahead with compiling to bytecode what I can...but then I realized we do have an interest in keeping the IR around
headius: downside is obviously slower load but AOT is already a slow load
heh, it may be a faster load
less bytecode to verify
headius: yeah and the ability to recompile when we have profiled opts
I guess it seems a little weird to emit a .class file that doesn't actually contain the bytecode of that script
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I mean, if jrubyc was emitting .jrb files, sure
headius: well it does have the bytecode but just not the java bytecode :)
or precompiling IR to persisted format
.class file which contains some compiled bits just with a longer pipeline to load but with less java bytecoed verification
I'm just thinking...a .class with persisted IR is just a .jrb file with more ceremony
headius: yeah one which another lang can Class.forName
it's a .jrb file with a java-executable wrapper
headius: I think also it may end up being less maintenance for us long term as well
I guess that assumes we use persistence for things like a .jrb
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AOT then is just small shell impl to load retrieve jrb bits and feed to persistence
I suspect persistence will evolve pretty quickly to optimize for load time and pre-optimization
headius: It sounds like I am hard-sellnig this idea but I am mostly just rehashing some previous conversations
e.g jrubyc should probably run every pass that's useful for interp before persisting so we're already ready to go
headius: and that is in the cards for persist but the way it works now that is not possible
it needs plain un-processed instruction sequence, yes?
headius: but once persist does support it then AOT would just do it as well
headius: well to save at a conservative opt state we need more than what we do now
e.g. cfg
headius: we would need safe CFG
headius: and Scope flags which cannot be calculated. It is a tiny bit fuzzy since we store so much unnneeded stuff in IRScope now
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yeah I know
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headius: I was hoping some the the memory stuff I have been looking at will make this easier
I was just thinking how I'd approach persisting it and that was the first question...how much of this is transient?
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things like callArgs and kwargs in IRMethod are only for building zsuper
so I want to look at build data and push it into IRBuilder state
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ahh right
besides being a good thing for division of responsibility/ownership it also reduces the size of IRScopes and makes thinking about persistence simpler
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headius: but I think done right we need to persist IRScope with enough full info to run passes
headius: I did not do it that way because I started with GSoC codebase
well perhaps .jrb will be a 9.1 feature :-)
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so yesterday afternoon and this morning I have been looking at IRBuilder and reducing IRScope as a dumping ground
heh, @_de reported that thread pooling properties warn now (because I removed thread pooling)
Who: howdy. I think I only have one more style comment for you (and thanks for the work btw)
enebo: i.e. moving more build-time state out so we're not dragging it around?
headius: well callArgs is only used by buildZSuper but it is a nested set of scopes it examines
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headius: by the time we are done it should not exist in IRScope
headius: so I will move to IRBuilder but then I need to make containment field for builders to hold builders
headius: so zsuper can walk builders for it
enebo: no problem, I enjoy working on JRuby. Hopefully I can work on challenging/interestings things in the future :D
Who: lining up = on var decls is not something we do
enebo: stacks of some kind, sure
I have stacks of current method body, etc, in JIT
enebo: ah! sure will keep in mind going forward
headius: yeah I agree there are exceptions but subbu for example did that as a general thing and in fact I think we still have it in some ir code
Who: I'm trying to think of where you'd want to start
Who: yeah that bug is a little sucky
I think for proc invocation only we can do a max arg calc and if the numbers exceed that we cut the number down to max num
IRBuilder I guess?
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heh oops
The design of our recv instrs assumes we can calc post from walking back from end of passed in IRubyObject[] args
and proc is the sole exception where we can pass in as many as we want and it will still run
oh I see
headius: does signature have a max arg count sort of thing
yeah pre and post kinda demand walking both ways
headius: is no rest exists
it does so in arity checking but there's no method for it
it's just pre + post + opt
headius: I thought about trying from end of optargs but that is horrific with current design because we bind each opt args as an instr w
Who: d and e in that example are "post required args"
argument processing in Ruby is complicated
enebo: is this just fixes in the instr or are builder changes needed?
if (!rest) pre + post + opt + 1 if kwarg
headius: this is in BlockBody
or a BlockBody
we have to trim internally because we do not only pass proc invocations from IR
I need to understand how post and opt fit together
like if I pass two args to the example in the bug
IR can only solve this if we can calculate where first post index is and we only know that based on args incoming
post args get the args
post is index after args but before kwargs I believe
so really the processing needs to be in order: pre, post, opt, rest
but kwargs is rip last element off if it needs to
oh right, and kwargs would fall under rest processing somewhere
pre, opt, post, rest, kwargs
err sorry
pre, opt, rest, post, kwargs
but you need to do post before opt
post consumes passed args before opt gets them
but opt just need to know arity to know if it can get them
wow, so weird
do people use this?
so it can be done at ant point
$ jruby -e "proc {|a = 1, b = 2, c, d| p [a, b, c, d]}.call(3, 4, 5)"
[3, 2, 4, 5]
yeah I always wonder
but design is really simple right now in that post is just args.length - post_length
If you slightly tweak your question, the answer is "no" ;-)
the first incoming arg offset for post is variable
indeed unless you count from end except for proc :)
first opt is a fix offset
but first post varies based on however many args there are MORE than required
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I guess another way to solve this is to mark max args in the post instr
then if we receive 100 and post is from 5 we go from 5
1 pre, 2 opt, 1 post ... passed 3 args... first post arg starts at args[2]
passed 4, first post arg starts at args[3]
passed 5 and it's a proc/block, first post arg still starts at args[3]
headius: but it is a function os args being sent to it
yeah I guess this can be done it recv_post knows about opt airty + rest
I'm going to write up some pseudocode
headius: we may have it in ArgsNode in 1.7 branch already
headius: we might not have counted from end
So this might not be something for Who to work on then?
mkristian: I may try building lib/jruby.jar as an artifact of parent then
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or of lib?
headius, enebo switching back to is what we want to have, i.e. which corresponds to jruby-head on RVM and maybe rbenv. no ?
do it in lib/pom.rb
mkristian: ahh yes, for rbenv at least
rvm always pulls head and builds
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mkristian: yeah thanks for bringing that up I was not sure but that seems right
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enebo: there's no way to assign post args statically
but that applies to rest args too
oh wait, maybe not
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headius: I am working through one
rest args always start at <max args>
but post can vary starting offset
headius: I think snice the instr can know how many potntial opt args there are we can do some match to calc start index for the instr
is recv_post gets preCount, postCount, potentialOptCount, isRest we can calc first index
(I am ignoring kwargs)
so not static per se but simple math in instr impl and not in IR itself
jruby/master 2990190 Christian Meier: cleanup documentation [skip ci]
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anyways I posted prematurely only to say I think there is a simple set of cases based on static ints/bools which does not require keeping state in IR
in IR as tempvar data like an index counter
yeah I believe you're right
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it's just not quite in our grasp at this moment :-)
headius: So I agree some change to resceivepostarginstr can make this work for procs
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Who: if you want to try this you can
Who: it will end up being adding a field and doing some simple math like in the above gist (which is wrong but gives an idea)
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headius, mkristian is there a binary for snapshots? (if yes I thought I probably tried to make it work already) - either way it should be supported - open a ticket for rvm to make it work
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mpapis, the build system builds jruby-dist- BUT I do not know where and how they put for downloading
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[jruby] eregon pushed 4 new commits to master: http://git.io/NIY6Jg
headius: so what do we need to do to the launcher scripts and the launcher gem to get -X+T working again?
headius: btw we should also look at moving the Truffle core code into the truffle module
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 4 new commits to master: http://git.io/9Dv6IQ
jruby/master 102fd7b Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Start to look at optimised cases for Array#pack
jruby/master c46ad3e Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Kernel#rand with a long.
jruby/master e3755c5 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Truffle::Debug::storage_class for Array.
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chrisseaton, even headius mentioned it somewhere that the spilt off of the truffle module broke the launcher. but the lib/jruby.jar remains the same. or is the reflection code I added ?
mkristian: I think the problem is just the launcher - but I'm not sure how to fix it
mkristian: I guess we need to modify the .sh, .bash, .bat and the native code!
headius, chrisseaton would it make sense instead of haveing lib/jruby.jar to have lib/jruby.jar + lib/jruby-truffle.jar and adjust the launcher respectively ? would avoid to merge those two jar and they do already exist and are needed for jruby-jars.gem
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mkristian: I don't even understand what lib/jruby.jar is - I know about complete and core - but not this one
chrisseaton, lib/jruby.jar is jruby-core + all its dependencies shaded into one file.
chrisseaton, and now it needs to add jruby-truffle.jar as well.
jruby-complete just adds the jruby-stdlib.jar to the shaded jar
and that makes sense because it's JRuby as-a-library that we don't want to put Truffle into
got it
once this current setup is settled I will add a little wiki page with what artifact depends on which and where it is build, etc
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[jruby] DavidEGrayson closed issue #1328: Encoding of symbol literals does not respect the encoding of the source file http://git.io/Fb-nzA
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[jruby] DavidEGrayson reopened issue #1328: Encoding of symbol literals does not respect the encoding of the source file http://git.io/Fb-nzA
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Oops, I clicked the wrong button. I was just trying to make a comment, not close and reopen the issue.
My latest comment in https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/1328 shows what I think could be a pretty serious regression in JRuby. That script used to run but now it gives an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the parser.
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headius: You can use the md5sum utility to be totally sure that nothing mangled the bytes; the result should be ea3a3e1bb80abd9095db810874e80650.
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The script could be simplified a lot. It seems that just a single Micro Sign (\u00B5) encoded in UTF-8 seems to crash the parser.
Never mind the last message, I was wrong.
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I know that someone added UTF-8 support for symbols recently per the 2.2 specs
I should see if I can get jruby building on Windows
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Antiarc: Thanks for reproducing it
After posting that gist initially, I realized it wasn't quite right. I had to wrestle with git for a little bit to make sure the exact right bytes are stored in that file and they aren't changed during checkout, but it should be good now.
Ah yes, Antiarc verified the md5sum of the file, great.
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Antiarc: it should build ok
It's building, but the executable is being stubborn
I'm always surprised how many jruby users are on Windows
"Error: Could not find or load main class org.jruby.Main"
we'll make a big push for better Windows support in pre2
Antiarc: are you in powershell? I had some trouble with it
cmder, which I think wraps powershell
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[jruby] chrisseaton deleted truffle-u at 8b84e49: http://git.io/5nWSwg
DavidEGrayson: what about you, running what shell?
could be significant
same deal. I'll figure it out, no worries
ah, intellij isn't building lib/jruby.jar. heh
headius: I was running "Git Bash" which comes with Git.
headius: I just tried it in a plain old Command Prompt and got the same exception.
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Antiarc: oh, I always build at command line
intellij project is probably not recognizing the odd dependency graph we have now
Hehe, yeah, I just don't have maven set up in my path on windows yet
I should fix that
DavidEGrayson: ok, thanks
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great success, building now. Will see what I can find.
I think the parser also has an infinite loop in it. If you put an ASCII character like "a" right before the unicode Micro Sign, then JRuby seems to just run without doing anything forever.
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to truffle-head: http://git.io/bix27A
jruby/truffle-head 52391a5 Chris Seaton: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-head...
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Add that info to the bug please
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[jruby] keltia opened issue #2502: Using Celluloid::IO for async reading from a TLS socket does not work http://git.io/016-5A
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I haven't looked at the code at all, but I have a theory that the parser is doing some backtracking incorrectly. It's as if when it sees the Micro sign, it is backtracking by 2 characters instead of 1 character, and that either results in infinite loops or out-of-bounds errors depending on where the character is in relation to the start of the symbol name.
Bizarre. Running this script under intellij produces the proper output.
DavidEGrayson: that's a good theory
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oh you know what changed in 9k... enebo added support for :"foo#{bar}"
so there were definitely changes that would involve some backtracking
(obviously other things have changed too)
well it is definitely possible
I think it would require : to precede it
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well “dooo”:somembc
enebo: the example is p :µ.encoding with UTF-8 magic comment
Encoding.default_external is IBM437 under Windows, even when coding: UTF-8 is set. I'll betcha that's one of the fundamental diffs.
only appears to fail on Windows run from command line
Antiarc: ooops
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I was hoping to port ripper lexer to mainline by now
It compleltely handles mbc but it is a very close port of MRI
ala MRI 2.0 timeframe
okay, so under Linux Encoding.default_external is UTF-8
And it's IBM437 under Windows
Is that the right variable to be checking?
So that is the DOS encoding which precedes CP1252
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well __ENCODING__ is still UTF-8
So I'm not convinced that's the issue yet
But it's the only platform difference I've found so far
Antiarc: Is it possilbe you have some DOS compat mode from cmd?
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enebo: Very possible, the script works properly when run from intellij
Antiarc: in theory encoding of Java should not matter for our strings but we have definitely found lots of bugs where we Strnig.getbytes and it returns file.encoding of JVM and not #coding:utf-8 of source
huh, mkmf still doesn't work in jruby without a c ext?
AFAIK my diff there is the canonical way to check asciionly
mjc_: we've talked about this before, right?
Antiarc: interesting fix
first time I ever tried to use it
what's the example of using mkmf for a non-C ext?
enebo: -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 works as well
I only need the find_executable bit from mkmf in this case, is there some other way to do path hunting that doesn't require shelling out to which?
Antiarc: so lengthEnc == length should work since they should be same length is clean 7bit ascii
enebo: the problem is that lengthEnc throws a bounds exception
mjc_: we could make it back into a warning but our mkmf is really hacked to pieces to support C exts
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and I really don't understand mkmf at all
Antiarc: ah because it is not a valid string from what enc it thinks it is
mjc_: you could open an issue to discuss...we have had other requests to make mkmf still load, even if you can't build C exts
Antiarc: which is perhaps us garbling it on the way in or a bug in jcodings or the encoding we give it does not match the bytes
enebo: If you'd like I'll PR that, though I think there may still be a different issue with how files are read under windows
Antiarc: yeah tbh I am unsure still what the issue is. The fact that file.encoding fixes it tells me we have some mismatch in how we are handling the incoming bytes
enebo: weird thing is that the failure happens in UTF8Encoder
so it *is* deciding to use UTF-8 for the file
headius: because encoding is marked in Ruby side but on Java side the bytes are coming from IBM437
maybe it's not using file encoding for all parts of parsing...something falling back on file.encoding
by changing to file.encoding to UTF-8 it gets corrected
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enebo: that reproduces it on OS X for me too
same stackt trace
headius: I am not surprised I guess
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headius: this has to be that our inputstream source is feeding CP1252 and in original case IBM437 and those are injecting some values which are extension bytes in UTF-8
headius: at least that would be my guess
We are reading files as iso8864_1 or whatever but perhaps not for -e
Antiarc: Does that work if you save it to a file?
Save what to a file? The source script is a file already
oh yeah…hmm
Well I sort of feel like your fix may be canonical way to detect but our way should not be crashing
Right, that's my sense too
It can only be crashing if jcodings has a bug or we are getting a weird set of bytes
Being in one of the European timezones sucks if working on/with JRuby. Dunno how others live with this.
file.encoding tells me we are doing something wrong in how we load source
since if we set that then everything is happy
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fwiw regardless of this bug we should probably have launcher set file.encodnig=UTF-8
I think we would get way less bug reports :)