bjfish2: in this case I think @tuple is just self (or it needs to be if it isn't), so that might work
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bjfish2: see visitInstVarNode in BodyTranslator to see where @tuple will come from
chrisseaton it’s currently implemented as self, but if I want to call methods defined in tuple.rb i need ‘@tuple’ to return self.to_tuple
bjfish2: the methods in Tuple are all very low level - I'm not sure it's worth trying to bring it all in - could we just shim the methods it has directly in Array?
You don't need to do tuple.at(a), you can simply do at(a), as tuple is self
Can you put a big comment that these methods came from tuple.rb?
yep, got it, i don’t think the method needs to be singleton either if @tuple is just self
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[jruby] bjfish opened pull request #2676: [Truffle] Adding Array#shuffle to array.rb. (master...truffle_array_shuffle) http://git.io/pBNV
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Hi there.
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bjfish2: Let me know if you need an explanation of my comments on your latest PR.
I'm looking for information how I can execute RubyGems from Java using jRuby. Executing Ruby scripts work but I'm missing how I can set the GEMS search path.
nirvdrum i talked with chrisseaton about this earlier in this channel , i’ll paste the conversation into the PR
jbarop: I'm not familiar with that. Although I'm pretty sure there's a maven-gem proxy set up somewhere so you can pull in gems as maven dependencies.
bjfish2: Okay. Thanks.
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bjfish2: I added a couple more comments, but probably best to wait for chrisseaton. He's doing some traveling today, so his availability is limited.
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chrisseaton okay, i’ll wait for his input
nirvdrum he’s commented now
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bjfish2: Did you follow his suggestion?
chrisseaton I just saw his latest comment I’ll go with that
nirvdrum keep doing mentions wrong
Basically, re-open Array in that shims file to add the swap method. Then you can change the definition of shuffle! to use @tuple again.
You should be able to use the Rubinius source as-is that way.
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[jruby] lucasallan pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/pRlz
jruby/master 245279f Lucas Allan Amorim: [Truffle] - Adds Random class
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nirvdrum: Thanks. Setting ENV["GEM_HOME"] and ENV["GEM_PATH"] did the trick
jbarop: Great. Glad to hear you got it working.
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hi, is there a changelog for jffi somewhere?
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i noticed that there was a 1.2.8 and wasn't sure whether it would be a good idea to bump our dependencies up to that version.
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trying to determine what version you guys are using in tests for e.g. jruby 1.7.19
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[jruby] enebo pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/pR6N
jruby/master eb31ee4 Thomas E. Enebo: Last missing instrs to be encoded
jruby/master 4da20e1 Thomas E. Enebo: All instrs know how to encode vs decoupled encoder map
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cprice404: Aethenelle is probably your guy, when he comes around.
nirvdrum: I dont see scan code range in that method on jruby
git pl
nirvdrum: mri also uses switch (ENC_CODERANGE(str))
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which is just getCodeRange
It seems like this could be made faster.
Unless scanning the code range dominates figuring out the length.
nirvdrum: I'm confused now, I said it does use getCodeRange()
where does it use the scan ?
It doesn't. I'm asking if it should.
Or why it doesn't.
Basically, strings with CR_UNKNOWN but that would have CR_7BIT if scanned, fall through to the default switch case.
you mean it doesnt cache the code range as a result
now I got it :)
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Scanning should be okay here. Unless the cost of the scan exceeds the cost of the length calculation in the default case.
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yeah, thinking of a reason it cant be...
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nirvdrum: also, in this case the range should be known since it could come from the literal right ?
Yeah, but I don't think that happens anywhere currently. Strings seem to default to CR_UNKNOWN and wait for a scanForCodeRange() call to set the CR flag.
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yeah, I guess it could use the scan since it's lazy, but in most cases the range would come tainted from other strings
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In that case scanForCodeRange has a very quick exit though.
nirvdrum: is that in truffle ?, afaik jruby always had prescanned literals
It's basically an int comparison.
lopex: The snippet I pasted is running non-Truffle.
if unknown then scan
enebo: ^^
at least in old ast
I'm looking to implement this in Truffle, so I came across this case and was curious.
My suspicion is it's done lazy to reduce load times.
nirvdrum: do you also use shared RubyString bytelists in truffle ?
Yes and no. It's a mess.
I've been leaning towards not sharing lately, but code in there definitely shares.
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since literals fire new strings every time, I guess the f"foo" doesnt
this frozen thingy
That's gone, isn't it?
lopex: I am not sure when/why of CR calculation with literals
I thought it was killed in favor of optimizing .freeze.
I forget
lopex: fwiw, it seems like we could bake in CR calc into lexing while we walk the string…at least for 7bit
I guess that was my point
since it's scanned anyways
lopex: ah. It is a good idea…we clearly need to scan it to make it :)
I'm almost sure mri does that
Would this be lighter than the current scan?
There's a lot going on there.
lopex: nirvdrum: Can one of you fix this or make an issue on it
enebo: I guess it's quite good thing since lost of methods taint with cr
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nirvdrum: well if we know it is 7bit out of the gate we have no scan needed
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nirvdrum: so we will not walk it a second time
and it's all known at parse
valid, unknown, 7bit, and broken all known by the end of making it
How can you tell if it's valid vs 7bit without scanning the String?
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nirvdrum: we are scanning the string to make it
StringSupport.codeRangeScan seems to inspect all the bytes.
nirvdrum: just not with that method
Got it.
enebo: is that NODE_STR in mri ?
This could be a nice little improvement then.
nirvdrum: I would not expect much for ordinary parsing since most literals are pretty small but if you are loading lots of templates then it becomes more pronounced
nirvdrum: but who knows
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I think allocating bytelists is so much bigger than figuring out what is in it that it may not show up as a large thing
enebo: I think the biggest difference is you'd potentially lead more strings down the faster path.
StringSupport is loaded with fast/slow calls.
nirvdrum: lopex: My other .1,.2 activity is to port MRI lexer (which ripper is from) to reduce all the stringbuilder and abstraction overhead in the lexer
And CR_UNKNOWN leads down the slow path, unless an explicit scan is made.
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nirvdrum: yeah I could see something warmup differently I guess
nirvdrum: we do save CR once we calc it once though
nirvdrum: So other than slow path not happening as much it is really just a second char walk
Yeah. I just came across one case where getCodeRange is used rather than scanCodeRange, so it's not scanned yet. Maybe this is the only one.
nirvdrum: not that I am saying this is a bad idea…it is great to get rid of crap like this :)
But you end up going down a slower path as a result.
enebo: rb_enc_str_new is used to construct the nodes in mri which in turn does rb_enc_str_coderange
lopex: but it does it on finished char*?
enebo: there's few combinations
lopex: e.g. they do not do it while they lex the char*
not usre yet
lopex: ok
enebo: which case in parse.y is that ?
enebo: all those seems to be used to create nodes of various kinds like dstr xstr etc
[jruby] enebo opened issue #2678: Mark literals CR during lexing to avoid CR scan later http://git.io/pETK
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nirvdrum: I don’t know…you can see the params they provide but all-in-all what does STR_NEW3 mean to you and wouldn’t explicitly passing in those params be simpler to read? :)
whatnot…but hey some of these names sort feels like the C way to me
Okay. I didn't know if there were like different versions of Ruby or something.
I have sometimes wondered if some C coding conventions fall out of lack of traditionally good IDEs
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nirvdrum: ok I just looked at them…one is empty string..one is strlen a \0 provided char* and one is use a char* and only use n bytes
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nirvdrum: so just different convenient cases I guess
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I should probably get a local checkout.
enebo: tradition killer
lopex: any good beers lately?
enebo: Okay. It looks like the code range is in the lexer and Truffle just wasn't doing anything with it in the translator. But IR also seems to not be doing anything with the CR from the lexer.
nirvdrum: yeah I am aware we drop it in IR
nirvdrum: It is a bug
nirvdrum: I tried correcting it quickly the other week and we had a few errors
enebo: Okay. Well I don't think anything needs to happen in the lexer then. I guess both backends just had a similar bug and I was looking in the wrong spot as a result.
nirvdrum: I will fix it for pre2 though since I think it is causing other problems
nirvdrum: yeah it may be but it is a good optimization I think
nirvdrum: I don’t think it will be big but it is simple and has no cost
nirvdrum: well only the cost of checking the var we are already setting when making string when we are done walking it
Yeah. In the Truffle case it means we can choose the correct specialization on the first pass, without needing to do a full scan.
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But I'm glad I asked because I didn't know that was already in the AST.
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Aethenelle: I was told you might know about changes between jffi 1.2.7 and 1.2.8, and which one jruby 1.7.19 is tested against?
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cprice404: mostly just a few constant changes/additions and better ld script support
i'm not sure which 1.7.19 was tested against... pretty sure it was 1.2.7
Aethenelle: great, thanks, so we should probably stick with 1.2.7 it sounds like
cprice404: yes, at least until I revisit the reverted commit
great, thanks for the info
there's also an issue with the whole thing assuming dyld which doesn't work for windows.
but that's in all versions
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[jruby] bjfish opened pull request #2679: [Truffle] Adding Array#rassoc to array.rb (master...truffle_array_raassoc) http://git.io/pE4N
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we're not running on windows for now, so, that sounds ok
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[jruby] nirvdrum pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/pEVX
jruby/master f8d706f Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Set the code range properly on String#initialize.
jruby/master dcee5f0 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Use the detected code range from the lexer when translating the AST.
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[jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/pE6F
jruby/master 8299588 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] String#each_char is now multibyte-encoding aware.
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Hi everyone, I'm happy to tell you that jrubyconf.eu will happen again this year - 31st of July around Berlin (Germany) ! http://2015.jrubyconf.eu/ :) CFP will hopen again
it's a great event, Charlie and Tom will be there as will lots of other great people :)
it's also executed together with eurucamp (31st of July - 2nd of August) http://2015.eurucamp.org/
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[jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/pu3E
jruby/master 68be707 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Pulled in String#index from Rubinius.
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[jruby] enebo pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/pucv
jruby/master 9a42332 Thomas E. Enebo: humble beginnings of getting ir persist reads working
jruby/master dc71ebe Thomas E. Enebo: ir.compiler.debug will not log irbuild interp lists. Remove nested closures for logging to de-noise output.
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