headius: Awesome. I tried tracing through, but I couldn't keep track of it all. And I tried on different boundaries, but couldn't always induce it.
I'm happy to just find and report the issues if you're cool with fixing them, though :-)
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hi, i've read that c-extensions are not really supported by jruby in java anymore. any way to get this working for my project? I'm embedding the jekyll gem inside a maven plugin
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Should this be Bignum? “puts (-2**63).class”
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[jruby] nirvdrum created truffle_taint_exemptions (+1 new commit): http://git.io/j6X0
jruby/truffle_taint_exemptions bd06055 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Don't taint from self in String#[](String).
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bjfish2: that's Long.MAX_VALUE (in case you weren't aware) - so I'd say no - maybe it's to match MRI?
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bjfish2: oh it's Fixnum in JRuby - that's what I'd expect then
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bjfish2: the reason it is Bignum in MRI is due to tagging their integers are less than 64bit
chrisseaton i think long max value is 2^63-1, so it’s one more than max value
chrisseaton sorry it is min value -2^63
I meant Long.MIN_VALUE, sorry
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[jruby] nirvdrum force-pushed truffle_taint_exemptions from bd06055 to 3ec3437: http://git.io/j6Ml
jruby/truffle_taint_exemptions 3ec3437 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Don't taint from self in String#[](String).
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[jruby] nirvdrum opened pull request #2780: [Truffle] Don't taint from self in String#[](String). (master...truffle_taint_exemptions) http://git.io/j6Mg
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chrisseaton my real issue is: puts (-2**63).abs is -9223372036854775808
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bjfish2: in Truffle? yeah that's weird - it's a bug
chrisseaton truffle only yeah i’ll log an issue, i’m not seeing what the issue is
bjfish2: looks like we're not checking for overflow in FixnumNodes.AbsNode
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do you want to either try to fix or open an issue?
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[jruby] bjfish opened issue #2781: [Truffle] Expected Absolute Value for Fix http://git.io/j6yc
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chrisseaton i took a look, not really seeing whats wrong, so I’ll open an issue, this is Bignum in MRI BTW, looks like Fixnum in jruby
What is a Fixnum and what is a Bignum is a property of the architecture - so I think we're free to set our own limits on the Java 'architecutre'
chrisseaton okay, I understand now, also i understand too how calling abs on -2**63 would overflow long
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chrisseaton: I guess you'll put as much effort specializing complex/rational as you do for fixnum ?
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[jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/jPHA
jruby/master fe5b4b4 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Pulled in almost all of Rubinius's String....
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lopex: Currently we're doing Rational all in Ruby, I believe.
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But if we need to move some of that to Java, we will.
nirvdrum: ah, sounds reasonable
lopex: At this point, if something isn't stressed in bench9000, we're not putting much emphasis on making it fast.
always real bottlenecks
*real world
Fixnum has a machine representation as well - so we want to use that where possible - for complex and rational there isn't one so there's nothing to try to get to in the same way
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lopex: Why doesn't String#each_byte need to take the bytelist begin value into account?
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nirvdrum: enumerateBytes ?
It always starts at 0.
it was rewritten by Charlie at some point later on
but I'd say it should obey begin
oh it depends if get is begin aware
is it ?
yeah, it is
nirvdrum: ^^
Ahh, I missed that. Sorry.
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lopex: Next silly question . . . why return an int there instead a byte?
nirvdrum: from where ?
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[jruby] derek-upham opened issue #2783: jruby.bash includes current directory in classpath, should not http://git.io/jXvE
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nirvdrum: I guess it doesnt matter at this point
lopex: Did it matter at some point?
there's no byte thing on jvm stack
nirvdrum: I guess not
unless there's a difference on byte/int widening when masking with 0xff
but I thing there's not
bytes are inconvenient to use in Java - they never seem to cast up as I would expect - you can't call an int method with byte - you have to cast it
chrisseaton: but in the case of get you still get java widening
chrisseaton: The problem here is it's really easy to forget to mask with 0xff.
chrisseaton: afaik the masking with 0xff has it's on case in hotspot gvn matchers
it's so common
but yeah, not having unsigned types is a mistake in java
it complicates things
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nirvdrum: and it's not end of the story
nirvdrum: like int -> long widening with sign
it will catch us too at some point with 32 codepoint encodings
till now, not enough data in tests :)
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[jruby] nirvdrum pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/jXTi
jruby/master 0efdc52 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Added a missing @RubiniusOnly.
jruby/master 66a1c8e Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Fixed String#each_byte.
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jiggity jig
headius: tell me thee DEALINE
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couple weeks maybe?
in that period I can catch up with onigmo
headius: they also added some more boyer-moore modification algorithms
I also want to diverge on some things
but need a feedback
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[jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/jXLy
jruby/master 8c614e6 Charles Oliver Nutter: Fix literal math operations to use proper call sites.
jruby/master 86c68cc Charles Oliver Nutter: Avoid dispatching through IRScope to get these values.
jruby/master cb72352 Charles Oliver Nutter: Reduce protocol checking and reduce code for each path.
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lopex: need feedback from me?
or planning to talk to MRI/Onigmo people?
headius: Did you see my note earlier about String specs?
headius: yeah, from you, or maybe other jruby folks
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[jruby] bjfish pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/jXqc
jruby/master 716a16c Brandon Fish: [Truffle] Moving Kernel#Array to kernel.rb.
headius: well, the mount of checks they have to perform for malloc failures just shadows obvious opts on one hand
headius: to the point, we might try to make joni throw errors on malformed strings on it's own
headius: and skip this preverification drama
onthe other hand
headius: that would be an invasive difference right ?
one complication is the preprocessing
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headius: is the asm you posted without indy right?
without indy but using MethodHandle
nirvdrum: no I missed it
I didn't know MethodHandle did anything useful without indy - is it just a general function pointer even without indy?
nirvdrum: found it... I did a pass over tags last night
dropped about 200 across all specs
chrisseaton: isnt it used for method references ?
chrisseaton: yes...in theory a faster-than-reflection function object
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I'm using it so I don't have to generate stub code to dispatch to jitted methods
headius: an opinion on the above ?
headius: Cool.
hmm, I probably should have turned off tiered compilation
lopex: moving more of those checks into joni sounds great to me
biggest complaint I've heard from other joni users is that it's brittle if you don't preverify everything
headius: but that wont be easy on it's own, I'm more concerned with incompatibilities
potential ones
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headius i’m seeing a compilation error locally: CompiledIRMetaClassBody.java:[43,4] error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
chrisseaton: do you have any news about joni compilation ?
lopex: nothing's happening at the moment as far as I know
chrisseaton: or at least any work that's accessible ?
lopex: don't think so, sorry
lopex: is there a particular reason you're interested now? are you trying something out or have some workload you think would benefit from compiled joni?
chrisseaton: there was an attempt from Oracle side once, but it was to limited for jruby
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/jXWX
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jruby/master 3b52341 Charles Oliver Nutter: Fix subclass impl of pre.
chrisseaton: well, I still plan to do a compiler for it, but given some attempts were done I'm interested in anything
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headius: is there a benchmark across different hotspots regarding different schemes like 'evolution of switch performance' ?
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[jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/jXzW
jruby/master 94e7bf9 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Use faster version of String#size for single-byte optimizable Strings throughout.
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I'm not sure exactly how to reproduce but I think it's your changes
I'm seeing double requires
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like the RubyGems require is firing both exceptional and non-exceptional path or something
headius, oh hmm ..
I don't have confirmation that it's your changes, but there's a lot of exception handling in there and I haven't touched anything I'd expect to break this
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems the JRUBY_OPTS has changed how you enable C ext in - anyone know the new way?
mistergibson: I'm afraid C extensions have gone in 9k
chrisseaton: wtf? Hrm, I really need those for my gems
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[jruby] e2 opened issue #2784: rindex() fails on strings read from binary files http://git.io/jXbt
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mistergibson: they've been gone from the 1.7.x releases for a while
mistergibson: did they work well for you?
headius, is it consistently reproducible?
chrisseaton: actually the last release had it and it worked great
but the 9K doesn't ... ok, what possessed them to eliminate something that is clearly required by a lot of ruby code?
about half of my gems (at least) link to C libs
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subbu: ok, here's what's happening...now I don't think it's your bug
when you have an autoload for a given constant, and load the file associated with that autoload directly, when the script defines its class it triggers the autoload
defineOrGetClassUnder is triggering autoload when it did not before
does that sound familiar to anyone?
headius, not to me. "before" is when?
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good question
I'm rather amazed all tests pass
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but I guess reloading the same file *usually* doesn't break anything
you mean despite the failure?
the failure here is that this script tries to undef a method
so after the first execution it fails
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ok, I guess I'm wrong
it's supposed to trigger autoload...but it's supposed to detect that it's currently loading and do nothing, I guess?