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<regedit> anyone?
<regedit> using jruby trying to `bundle install` getting "Your Ruby version is 2.3.1, but your Gemfile specified 2.2.7"
<regedit> so which version of jruby is the right one to have Ruby 2.2.7 then? where is it documented?
<kares> regedit: hey, is it problematic for you to use 9.1.8 with 2.3 compatibility?
<kares> since 2.2 - 2.3 and even the whole 2.4 line isn't changing that much
<kares> mostly adding features and smt changing bits such as Fixnum/Bignum -> Integer
<kares> you might not find a JRuby version patching a particular MRI version
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<headius> kares: it's a surprising requirement isn't it
<headius> I suppose he has an app that runs on 2.2.7 and wants to try JRuby without changing that
<GitHub80> [jruby] kares pushed 1 new commit to jruby-9.1:
<GitHub80> jruby/jruby-9.1 6c1fd1f kares: further align now being final and not-null...
<kares> headius: hey, well is but also isn't
<kares> the Integer change had its headaches with some gems/rails
<headius> yeah, that's 2.4 though
<headius> the changes in 2.3 were pretty mild in comparison
<kares> if you guys decide to drop 2.4 compat and go directly to 2.5
<kares> I am not sure
<headius> yeah I know
<kares> maybe not - but I understand not having the resources
<headius> i've been thinking we should do that
<headius> keeping up with MRI is certainly easier if we skip a version once in a while
<kares> really not sure here :)
<kares> honestly I would not skip but than again I am not sure 'why'
<kares> master has been riping for a while now - so maybe its better not to try putting in too much
<kares> e.g. have seen minor issues with user PRs but I did not rush into fixing them - assuming time will iron those out ...
<kares> FYI: have just fixed the regression with
<kares> how was Brusels?
<headius> kares: does that fix the openssl issue?
<headius> I'm looking now
<kares> not sure what ossl issue - but I haven't had time to look into jossl
<kares> original-brownbear, from ES, promised to take a look and I believe he did but might have gotten lost
<headius> it seems that openssl ships invokers...but the new constructor signatures are not compatible
<headius> I am not sure how to fix it without breaking backward compat
<kares> oh really? I wasn't aware of such issue
<headius> well, I have one idea but it's gross: keep the old constructor in place and use a thread-local to pass the name out of band
<kares> well than maybe do these changes for 9.2 only?
<kares> and ship with an updated jossl
<headius> that's going to require some unwinding since it's in 9.1 :-(
<kares> or without invokers
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<headius> without invokers might be best...obvious potential for a startup hit since there's a lot of methods in jossl
<kares> there's 2 commits - now in 9.1 so it should revert fine
<headius> did you merge my branch?
<kares> so sorry about the rush to fix 9.1 - was hoping for a green ci
<headius> no I understand...we have to get it fixed somehow asap
<kares> nope I did not touch 9.1 except for the commits I just pushed
<kares> * 1 commit
<headius> ok
<headius> looks like maybe I only have one more on that branch and potentially you fixed that
<headius> ahh yes, we both did a bunch of the same changes
<headius> I will merge over that one change and then do more thinking about jossl
<headius> enebo: we need to chat about this
<headius> hmm
<headius> why can't I reproduce this
<headius> kares: ok I'm confused now...jossl seems to be working fine
<headius> public org.jruby.ext.openssl.PKCS7$SignerInfo$INVOKER$i$0$0$signed_time(org.jruby.RubyModule, org.jruby.runtime.Visibility);
<headius> oh
<headius> InvocationMethodFactory is not passing the name in
<GitHub32> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-9.1:
<GitHub32> jruby/jruby-9.1 5cdbe74 Charles Oliver Nutter: Alias must pass its name, not given name.
<headius> kares: ok...I think I get it now
<headius> the change that is incompat I never pushed
<headius> but JavaMethod* aren't passing name through
<headius> the change I made was to InvocationMethodFactory to deprecate the non-name constructor everywhere
<headius> yeah we still have a problem
<headius> #<Method: Object(Kernel)#inspect((anonymous))>
<headius> so that's showing up for all generated invoker methods
<headius> because they're not passing name in
<headius> but if I make it pass name jossl's invokers are incompatible
<headius> I have the InvocationMethodFactory change in a stash
<kares> heh
<headius> hmm
<headius> ugh, maybe not
<headius> I think it became such a quagmire I tossed it
<headius> I may have an idea
<headius> IDEA FORMING
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<headius> cremes: lightweight fibers are being prototyped for openjdk
<headius> they have some things working already, and the presenter told me "a couple months" they should be able to yield...once that happens, I'll make a JRuby branch that uses them
<headius> and they're relocatable, lightweight, goal is to be able to support millions of them
<headius> it's super exciting
<headius> cremes: I assume you are concerned about the 100k fibers problem if you're using them in your library
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<headius> this should make that go away
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<cremes> headius: that is great news
<cremes> thanks for the update
<headius> I'll do what I can to move it along faster, but this will be so much better than thread-based fibers in almost every way
<kares> :+100:
<headius> cremes: we may also have answers coming for startup time
<headius> openjdk+openj9 apparently already has significantly better startup than openjdk+hotspot, and there's an ahead-of-time compiler/optimizer that can help even more
<cremes> startup time has never been a personal issue for me… most of my code is somewhat long running so startup costs are lost in the noise
<headius> the JVM folks are finally doing everything I need
<cremes> it’s about time they listen to you, headius! :)
<headius> seriously!
<headius> the curse of thread-based fibers may finally be coming to an end
<cremes> what have they been thinking all of this time? JRuby is clearly the coolest and most important consumer of JVM goodies, so it deserves special status.
<cremes> (I’m only slightly tongue-in-cheek with that… JRUby has lead the way with cool shit like invokedynamic)
<headius> yeah, hopefully we can start to lead the way on these other pieces now too
<headius> I trust I can count on you to keep us honest as prototypes start to land :-)
<headius> maybe we'll finally become the preferred target for server-side apps
<headius> graal, continuations, fast startup, JVM-level native library access and binding's all coming
<headius> crazy
<chrisseaton> headius: openjdk+openj9? What's that?
<headius> J9 is open source now
<headius> you can get builds of OpenJDK that use it instead of Hotspot for JIT and GC
<chrisseaton> But use HotSpot's interpreter and things?
<headius> I think the only thing shared between them is the class library, but I'm not clear where that ends
<chrisseaton> Got it
<chrisseaton> We hope to have some new startup time announcements for our work at RailsConf, if they accept our talk
<chrisseaton> Are you going to RailsConf?
<headius> I submitted a talk on running JRuby + Rails 5.x
<headius> if accepted I'll go
<GitHub23> [jruby] kares pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub23> jruby/master 1ea71f4 kares: [ji] make sure instantiation errors are propagated from Collection clone
<GitHub23> jruby/master 7307dea kares: [ji] avoid NPE when Java collection is not clone-able (the "usual" way)...
<headius> enebo: you got a minute to chat about this method name issue?
<headius> ok not now then :-D bbl
<enebo> heh
<headius> oh hey
<headius> enebo: so this is a problem with trying to make that field final and initialize it in all DynamicMethod constructors
<headius> I started pulling on the thread and was able to refit everything, including generated invokers to always use the string-receiving constructor
<headius> but jossl has been shipping its own pre-generated invokers to help startup, and they don't contain the new constructor
<headius> so there's no way to get them to initialize that field
<headius> and it blows up if I just blindly try to call that constructor of course
<enebo> headius: It was a desired end goal but perhaps we just make it non-final and initialize it as much as possible and maybe initialize it to something at all in cases where we cannot change it like in old invokers
<enebo> headius: at some compat level change we can fix the invoker and major rev jossl perhaps
<headius> right now it's initializing to "anonymous" when not passed through the constructor, which just makes Method#inspect look a little weird
<enebo> yeah or maybe unknown?
<enebo> unnamed
<enebo> :)
<enebo> ????
<headius> we can do that but that's really the problem do we do this without breaking jossl backard compat
<headius> the answer may be that we can't, but I have a couple ugly ideas
<enebo> well perhaps we major rev break jossl for 9.2
<headius> that's an idea as well, and it may be fine to do that
<enebo> we definitely do not want people using old jossl either
<enebo> so forcing that on next significant release on our side seems ok to me?
<enebo> so another question then is to make sure new jossl continues to work on 9.1
<headius> the other ideas I had are 1: twiddle the Populator logic to use a thread-local to pass the name out of band along for the deprecated constructor, and 2: override getName in all JavaMethod with a writable field; only used if the final one is not provided
<headius> right, that's why I'm skeptical about a hard rev
<enebo> which perhaps we generate two constructors for old and new for invokers so 9.1 continues to work with newer jossl
<headius> there's going to be a lot of grey time
<headius> I can do that but there's no way to query if a constructor exists without causing an exception
<headius> so jossl startup on 9.1 would immediately tank against current jossl release
<enebo> hmm maybe we do one extra constructor check and if it works we know it is newer
<headius> and they'd still be anonymous without one of the solutions above, which may not be a big problem
<headius> well it's one extra constructor check for every method in jossl
<headius> and there's hundreds if I remember right
<headius> hundreds of exceptions raised and swallowed to find the right constructor
<enebo> I just mean we explicitly do one and then assume the rest will be the same outcome
<headius> it doesn't really work like that :-\
<headius> :-(
<enebo> heh
<headius> if using a reflective populator, it just walks all annotated methods in a given class and for each one calls down into the invoker generator
<headius> hmm
<headius> I guess I could add a version number or "old style" boolean to the invoker generator interface methods
<enebo> an invoker can have two constructors and it will naturally call the nameless one in 9.1 right?
<headius> right now on 9.1 it calls the nameless one, yes
<headius> my aborted patch modified it to always call the named one
<enebo> so I am just thinking about how newer could continue to work on older release but not neccesarily solve the naming itself for 9.1
<headius> I have not tested trying named and falling back to unnamed to see how much of a hit it really is
<enebo> I guess we need to determine how much we need this to fully work in 9.1. It sounds like right now only a few invokers will have this extra goofy "anonymous"
<headius> guesstimating 1-2ms for every exception trace it could add up to a good chunk
<enebo> I am still not sure I understand why it needs exception per
<headius> all pregenerated invokers have anonymous at the moment; with the fallback logic, only the ones in jossl would have it, plus the additional load of falling back
<headius> Class.getConstructor does not have an exception-free path if it isn't there
<enebo> oh I see so you are looking for new one and falling back to old one on exception
<headius> Class.getConstructors => Constructor[] linear search might be acceptable but it penalizes proper invokers too
<headius> right
<enebo> interface marker perhaps?
<headius> like I say I don't have numbers for how big a hit that would be for all of jossl, and if we rev it people can just upgrade
<headius> ah yeah I was tossing that idea around too
<enebo> make a new subclass or add some typing to know whether to call a new one or not
<headius> better would be to actually add a version annotation
<headius> I think you can query for a specific annotation without generating an exception
<enebo> yeah I guess it depends on how often we plan on change invoker impls
<headius> in which case no annotation would be version 0, and with annotation would start to rev as changes are needed to the interface
<enebo> ah but yeah asking for an anno would be neat
<headius> yeah maybe that's the way to go
<enebo> if you ask and it is not there it is old
<headius> class annotation on generated invokers
<enebo> if it is then it depends on whether we ever make any more changes
<headius> use old constructor if none, use appropriate constructor for version if present
<enebo> yeah that sounds nice and flexible
<headius> we've made two changes already: killing CallConfiguration and adding name
<enebo> I also ran into this on bytelist_love
<headius> so I think it's probably better to hedge
<headius> ah yeah that's a third change upcoming then
<enebo> In an aborted effort I realized psych invokers were using String and not ByteList
<enebo> which is why I kept all those signatures the same...but in the end I think that is still a reasonable way to go as those strings are ID to me now
<enebo> all those strings can be used to retrieve the encoded value from symbol table
<enebo> so invokers need not change
<enebo> but in the future if we add versioning then we could decide to change thoose
<headius> well I'll leave that up to you, but if we do eventually decide to push BL or Symbol into DynamicMethod constsructors the annotation will be helpful
<headius> yeah eactly
<headius> x
<enebo> So I am happy not changing them but this will give us a hatch if we decide to push this more
<headius> I thought we'd determined that a raw string was insufficient to match MRI behavior because they actually do allow two methods with same bytes to have different encoded name
<enebo> hmm yeah but we do not work right now for that either
<headius> we do not
<enebo> I think that might just be a limitation for now
<enebo> and it is quite rare
<headius> it's an edge case I'll admit...there's few practical reasons for it
<enebo> I would argue if it is encoding.ascii? but two ascii strings methods that would just be weird
<headius> I suppose it's possible a third-party lib might use a different encoding in a file and have a method of the same name as yours, screwing up your method's encoding
<enebo> if two completely different encodings which happen to have same raw bytes I think that is super unlikely
<headius> yeah there's a repro case but I forget exactly how to trigger it
<enebo> we almost never even see non-UTF methods and nearly none that are not just ascii
<enebo> so I think I am happy with that limitation
<enebo> but I do wonder if this can be considered an unspecified behavior
<enebo> just feels to weird to expect something like that to work
<enebo> tooooooooo WEIRD
<headius> that may be
<enebo> actually I just tried using force_encoding and define_method and I believe it ends up eliminating ascii as every being an issue
<enebo> since it makes a symbol and symbol creation says, yep US-ASCII
<enebo> so it would probably only happen in weird 8 bit + sorts of common encodings
<headius> ok, I'll look at going forward with the annotation approach and we'll look to spin a new jossl that supports both new and old signatures with "anonymous" or similar
<enebo> coolio
<headius> now I'll bbl
<headius> oh good I did push my partial changes
<headius> force_method_name
<headius> I thought I'd lost them
<headius> kares: ^^
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<kares> ok there;s still the blocker at jossl (headius was looking at) with certificates
<kares> this prohibits doing releases as now tests also fail
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<cremes> headius: yes, when those prototypes land and you start rolling them out, i’ll help keep you honest :)
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