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kares awesome
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I've known for a while we had hacks interfering with hacks but wasn't sure where to start unraveling it
I'd love to go pure Ruby with enumerable, but you can't represent all argument passing in pure Ruby
yep - lazy is still problematic but certainly not worse than it was
looking at rubinius impl atm ... seems were on par with them
I wonder if they pass all yielder + lazy specs
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Yeah I believe everyone except MRI is running the same pure Ruby lazy enumerator based on Marc-André's backport lib
Which of course also has the same argument processing problems
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Ok back to work
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I'm going to audit 9.2.8 bugs until I don't see anything I think I can fix for this that point I'll go back and try to get my global vars patch better
oh kares...I think I saw a perf regression
numeric related
headius: ooh, that would be unexpected? did some micro-benchmarks and we were doing better
do you have any details?
yeah sorry got distracted
I was just benchmarking a loop without indy
that call path should probably pass both long and RubyFixnum so we're not constructing the fixnum all the time if it's not the method we think it is
but that's nothing new
kares: modifying both Lt and Plus sites to use isFixnumReopened does go back to 9.2.7 perf
yeah I got that far
a stupid fix would be to split isFixnumReopened into isFixnumPlusRedefined etc but obviously that's gross
I wish we had value types so CacheEntry would not have to be traversed
or some way to atomically cache the entry.ok and isBuiltin check all at once
hmm indy gets around this by only binding the fast method if entry is ok and isBuiltin
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I am desperate search of an editor/IDE that is snappy like vim with MRI. My employer requires use of a windows work station and deployment, hence the migration to JRuby, any help is greatly appreaceated.
just install vim on win ... you have the linux sub-system in win 10
vim and emacs work great on wsl on win 10
havenwood: trying to find that setting in rubymine.... this is why I stick to vim...
Anyone get jruby to work with vim on windows 7? MRI works like a charm and is snappy within vim.
JRuby should work fine on Win7+
we test a full (simple) Rails app on Windows before every release
Yes it does I just can't get Vim to see it with any of my standard Ruby plugins
JRuby running performant on windows is why we are going to it over MRI
Ah well that's more likely a problem with the Ruby plugins
FWIW I wouldn't recommend using JRuby as your vim Ruby plugin if that means it has to be firing off lots of subprocesses, because that will be pretty slow
if it's just about occasionally running code that should be fine
ah, that may be what I am encountering.
but like some people plug it in to do syntax checking every keypress or whatever
yeah we run well if the same process stays up for more than say 10 seconds, but constantly starting a new process will be slow every time
--dev will help
but not enough
semi new to the ruby community, it is bad juju to develop an application in MRI and deploy to JRuby?
I am assuming something could and would break
is this a single background rubocop process though?
if it's a long-running rubocop monitoring the dir the problem might be it's not using real filesystem events and is instead scanning dirs
which would explain a delay picking up changes
for the dev, yes it is a single background process.
I'm just brainstorming here...I don't know what your setup is
I am thankful for any advice here.
let's see what rubocop uses for monitoring...
depends on "wdm" for optimized monitoring on Windows
which is a C extension
so that's probably it
so listen will fall back on polling
I think I may be better off hacking on vim, at least I would be in familiar waters.
we need to make listen gem an adapter for JRuby (Java has a cross-platform filesystem event API already)
the journey never ends!
Windows is just a pita, there is no avoiding it.
yeah but this is great to know now
probably wouldn't be more than a few lines of Ruby to add effiicent filesystem monitoring for JRuby
huh where does MRI put its JIT output?
headius[m]: /tmp
headius[m]: (taking advantage of Linux treating that dir as in-mem)
I can't find anything there on macos
maybe I'm doing somethingwrong
I just wanted to see how big the .so for a trivial method is
you're on linux with a jit-enabled Ruby? Maybe you can try this and see if you can dig up the .so: ruby --jit -e 'def foo; 1 + 1; end; 100000000.times { foo }; sleep'
at first I tried running "gem list" but didn't get anything from that either
headius[m]: --jit-save-temps keeps them paste execution
I tried to sleep but maybe it's culling them via GC or something
thanks I'll try that
headius[m]: that flag should persist the .c .o .so files
is that the filenames you see in /tmp
I see no change...something's screwy here I guess