to take this further, maybe each (custom) GlobalVariable should decide what to do with its invalidator (stuff such as ERROR_INFO setting up a no-op) ?
actually likely the logic also needs to be reviewed on the global variable caching end
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I did not totally follow this ... you changed that raise to explicitly set vs retrieving from a table but I don't follow what this has to do with invalidation
pre 9.2.7 every raise followed the GlobalVariables path where its not just a simple `set` but also `invalidate` (and `trace`)
oh so in 9.2.8 it is just a set now?
yes for `ERROR_INFO` specifically
ok so you are now looking at other globals and wondering about how to do these since not all need to do invalidate/trace or some generic logic
actually I was looking at a Rails app recording where invalidation pauses the app for seconds
since I do not know what constant was invalidated (+ do not have good info in traces) ... just following some common stuff
ERROR_INFO comes as a good candidate causing issues as libraries might use `$!`
which pbly means on every raise triggering invalidation of those ...
although typically if a raise occurs then our performance has some potentially serious issues
but I did not check the details yet - if this would happen in 9.2.7 (app is 9.1.17)
I would almost suspect the construction of tracing would be more than any invalidation but???
yes that is true but not locking
ah locking
seems with many threads from time-to-time things get ugly
ok yeah makes sense since these are in a table
in general, does it make sense to actually cache thread-local globals?
this what I was thinking about - if there's repeated `$!` read
well thread local storage must also have some lookup but I guess how much would depend on how useful keeping it cached locally matters
obvously some variables get referred to a lot but special variables tend to be assigned relatively quickly
$_ and $! seems like candidates of an assignment since how they are used may actually set a new $_ or $!
or $~
true, still in case of multiple threads stepping on a site that caches a global such as `$!` I am not sure about the benefits
guess we'll need to micro benchmark but the lock is very unpredictable
yeah in that case it seems counter productive
in whatever you are viewing have you see what the exception is? I mean you maybe are looking at lowering this scenarios cost but I am curious if the exception is a mistake or somethign which happens reasonably
under an extreme case I am seeing the cost of invalidation going from 20ms -> 400ms (per thread)
In general I am hoping with exception logging on we more or less do not see any exceptions with backtraces in a normal request
wow that seems crazy high
nope unfortunately I only see traces of many invalidations happening all at once
under many threads -> effectively halting the app
yeah I was thinking about exception logging
I have heard people talk about very long warmup tails on large JRuby apps but others are not bothered (and seemingly much shorter tails)
Perhaps you found something specific which serializes something earlier on in an app which is dragging out those tails
maybe, its still early to tell at this point