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<headius[m]> I would guess there's some examples in the rack docs
<headius[m]> It's not much harder than running whatever their examples do within a container
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<rdubya[m]> has anybody testing jruby 9.2 with openjdk 14 ?
<rdubya[m]> I'm running into a weird issue and i'm not sure if it is that combination or just something that I don't have on my machine yet
<rdubya[m]> getting `Error loading RubyGems plugin "~/.rvm/rubies/jruby-": cannot load (ext) (org.jruby.ext.openssl.OpenSSL) (NameError)`
<rdubya[m]> I get it when running `gem list`
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<rdubya[m]> enebo: headius either of you have any ideas on what might be causing this, if it hasn't been tested with 14 yet, i'll just roll back to 13, i'm setting up a new machine so it may not be related to the java version
subbu is now known as subbu|lunch
<rdubya[m]> looks like its working with openjdk 13, though that might just be because I already had openssl installed when I installed that one and I may not have had it installed when I installed jruby with 14 installed
subbu|lunch is now known as subbu
<headius[m]> Hmm
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