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<headius[m]> protip: intellij works very poorly over a network share
<enebo[m]> HAHAH
<headius[m]> enebo: I'm wondering if we should bump jnr-* to Java 7
<headius[m]> you can't even build it on most of the recent JDKs because they don't do 6 anymore
<headius[m]> it would also let us use some newer NIO features to emulate posix stuff
<chrisseaton[m]> It's pretty hard to even build a Java 8 on some platforms these days, let alone 7 or 6.
<headius[m]> yeah, I know someone will complain if we drop 6 but seriously, it's over a decade old now
<headius[m]> 7 is not too much to ask
<headius[m]> huh, I managed to generate and start up a Rails app on mac aarch64
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<lopex[m]> numbers?
<headius[m]> not good ones running on Zero
<lopex[m]> if the time is zero it's always good...
<headius[m]> haha
<lopex[m]> btw I'm no longer on any medication for half a year now
<lopex[m]> headius: and finally I'm changing a job!
<headius[m]> oh no, no more i series?
<lopex[m]> after almost 20 or so years
<lopex[m]> hahah
<lopex[m]> well, I havent had too much to do with iseries after all
<headius[m]> what's the new job?
<lopex[m]> I can do some basic things there
<lopex[m]> I dont know!
<lopex[m]> aka very diverse like dev / cloud / some consulting
<lopex[m]> but not surprisingly some of that are related to jira
<headius[m]> So you have a job set up but it's a broad range of things to do?
<lopex[m]> yeah
<lopex[m]> a small company so you know
<headius[m]> yeah wearing many hats
<lopex[m]> depends on interpretation
<lopex[m]> headius: btw, groovy is alive now just because it's being used in jira plugins now
<lopex[m]> I wonder what steps we missed to make jruby go this way
<headius[m]> well I'm glad it hasn't completely faded away
<headius[m]> yeah I dunno... it has been hard to focus both on the Ruby world and on the Java+JRuby embedding world
<headius[m]> we never "fit" as well as Groovy into normal Java apps so there's more effort required there
<lopex[m]> well, what I mean jira made groovy eternal for now
<headius[m]> only because jira is eternal 🙂 we are in other products but they're not the same exposure
<lopex[m]> well, right
<lopex[m]> yeah
<headius[m]> hadoop console thingy, IBM watson thingy
<lopex[m]> headius: you'd be astonished by the support of groovy in jira I guess, you get richtext editor with syntax highlighting
<lopex[m]> and static analysis as well
<headius[m]> yeah they were always just a hair above being Java anyway
<headius[m]> and over time they've become less and less a dynamic langauge
<headius[m]> I'd be surprised if Groovy code these days is more than 50% dynamic... they static type everything now
<lopex[m]> so if you type a script you feel like you get a compiler error
<lopex[m]> yeah
<headius[m]> I think that is really the key difference for this sort of use case
<headius[m]> they are basically Java with some nice additions
<lopex[m]> yep
<headius[m]> we are a completely different language and ecosystem
<headius[m]> could have maybe taken embedding use cases further but it's hard to do without controling Ruby the language
<lopex[m]> yeah, I always undestood that challange wrt bein non java langauge
<lopex[m]> it was all the fun
<lopex[m]> headius: I stil have a prod env where jruby/sinatra goes for year
<headius[m]> very nice!
<headius[m]> I heard about an app that has been running in production for four years without any issues
<lopex[m]> and it does queries daily
<lopex[m]> but for very large db
<headius[m]> there's a company here that builds a Remedy front end (some sort of customer service workflow tool) that is all JRuby-based
<headius[m]> customers of the product customize their Remedy workflows using Ruby code throughout
<lopex[m]> oh cool
<headius[m]> they have classes and training where they teach them Ruby
<lopex[m]> a rails app I suppose ?
<headius[m]> it's one of the bigger commercial products I know of that depend on JRuby
<headius[m]> I'm not sure how it's deployed exactly
<lopex[m]> after all "this" years I'm not keen on super frameworks
<headius[m]> yeah it seems like Rails is still a very popular choice for getting started, but the complexity of the framework continues to get in the way of scaling
<headius[m]> it doesn't have to be that way
<lopex[m]> for the time being I only have one public app in my own framework
<lopex[m]> and it's
<lopex[m]> but hey I'm proud of my own solutions :P
<lopex[m]> headius: and all the apps run on jruby!
<lopex[m]> that
<lopex[m]> that's why I stumbled upon that musl thingy
<headius[m]> ah yeah I wish there were some CI options for testing on musl
<headius[m]> though we haven't had any reports in a while now
<lopex[m]> I had an issue afair
<lopex[m]> some ldap thingy
<lopex[m]> but yeah
<lopex[m]> headius: I have a hole jruby env that exercises ldap, smtp, as400 etc
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