mpapis: can you use benchmark-ips for that benchmark? This benchmark might not be triggering the JIT
basically just require 'benchmark/ips' and replace 'Benchmark.bmbm' with 'Benchmark.ips'
yorickpeterse, testing
yorickpeterse, new addition? that benchmark/ips
mpapis: it's a Gem evan wrote at some point, takes care of warming up and such
so typically you'll get better results when JITs are involved and the likes
runnning now
yorickpeterse, similar, adding results
What's the particular use case for this potential optimization, something you noticed as being slow?
ah, ty
yorickpeterse, I was just discussing in a PR for nanoc using "each <<" over "+=" might be slower, then we went into benchmarking
and then I noticed that rubinius concat is slower for array compared to other rubies
For Arrays the latter should, in theory, be slower
Since it requires an extra allocation and re-assignment
Though the resizing of an array _might_ be more expensive
or the code is just meh
yes I now understand, but it coudl be optimized
the question I asked in jruby is if it should be optimized
If it's worth it, sure
well, natural instinct is that adding to array once should be faster then many times, that's why I was thinking += would be faster
then each <<
in the end I go for concat, but this should be optimized
both concat and << should be faster +=
why to copy array if you have to reassign it back to the same variable
* than +=
and even += mentions concat in MRI docs
mpapis: += to actually just extend the same array would require very sophisticated escape analysis and dynamic deoptimization to handle things like ObjectSpace - it's a good idea for an optimisation, but not very simple to implement I think
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"NoMethodError: undefined method `empty?' on an instance of ActiveModel::Errors" what the fuck
brixen: what's this new feature we have where methods randomly vanish? :P
chrisseaton, I would think that all rubies jut map "x+=y" to "x=x+y" would be matter of hijacking the mapping and replacing it with "x.concat(y)"
especially that the += docs reference concat
mpapis: but only if it's an array - so does that mean you have to check the type on every single + operation?
chrisseaton, if it's faster then I would not mind
also string
actually anything that has concat should use it for += not just arrays
mpapis: I think you would find that the guard would be more expensive than the optimisation - a common problem in optimisations
mpapis: it could also break lots of Ruby code
mpapis: ideally these optimisations would be invisible to the user - we just need more poweful escape analysis and deoptimization to do it
mpapis: I looked into an optimisation where I stored a reference in each array to the location where it was originally allocated, recorded all resizes, and tried to make the array the correct size on the next allocation at that location - that was simpler than what we're talking about here and was already extremely complicated to implement
chrisseaton, += is suppose to work as concat so it should be as fast as it
mpapis: but that's not the semantics! the semantics are to allocate a new array - so expecting it to be as fast as concat is a programmer's mistake. If we can make it faster, great, but it's not unreasonable for it to be slower.
mpapis: += also allocates a new Array, so it can't be safely replaced with Array#concat
mpapis: exactly - and you can tell the difference by things like ObjectSpace, so you can't just replace it
mpapis: if you're serious enough to change Ruby's semantics, there are many other things you could do to improve performance a lot more than this
well then it would have to come from MRI to be approved?
mpapis: yeah - but I doubt they'd go for it as it could very subtlely break existing code
You can't change += to be the same as Array#concat
it could potentially break every piece of Ruby code written in the past 15 years
then it would be as dup.concat, let me benchmark this
mpapis: you're also going to introduce a semantic edge-case that you'll have to specifically teach all new Ruby programmers - "in just this one case + and = don't do what you'd expect from how they work everywhere else, they do something else instead"
although I would say - I actually think Python does exactly what you're proposing
chrisseaton, any other language will have += faster then each<<
this is expected behavior
That's bullshit
Also this is Ruby, not "every other language"
Ruby specifies that x += y is the same as x = x + y
which in case of Array leads to an extra allocation
which _could_ be faster than adding an element to an existing array
but that depends on when the array is resized
and the allocation overhead
that in turn is implementation specific
and dup.concat is slower from << in all mri, jruby, rbx
lunch time
euh yeah of course it is
you're duplicating an array
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yorickpeterse: dup itself should be pretty cheap
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if the array has copy-on-write semantics as in JRuby and MRI (I don't think Rubinius does)
headius, dup.concat was slower everywhere
even on jruby
dup+concat would force a full copy anyway
I was just referring to dup alone
and yes, dup + concat would be as slow as +=
or slower
+= is slow because it does a full copy of elements from the original and the added array
it's slower, I guess the best course of action would be improving docs to properly differentiate between += and concat
not just mention each another
mpapis: where in the docs are you looking? I can't see a mention of += in the concat docs
mpapis: I can see 'See also Array#+.'
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headius: chrisseaton: can JRuby somehow read JVM options from a file, similar to .jrubyrc?
yorickpeterse: I don't believe so
yorickpeterse: always having to have all JVM options set before you start can be a problem - I've recently been trying to work around it in Truffle by making some JIT options runtime configurable
in this case it's a JVM option, not sure what JRuby can do about that
yorickpeterse: there is of course JRUBY_OPTS and JAVA_OPTIONS
In my case installing some Gem apparently needs more than the default 500MB
yeah that's one option
trying to see where I'm going to smack that atm
500MB seems very low these days doesn't it
For the JVM, yes
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500MB is *our* default...I think JVM's default cap is still even smaller
Ah well, I found a decent place to hook it into in this deployment process
I'm willing to bump that up, though...we haven't reevaluated it in many years
can you give me more info on what needed that much memory?
mind you I'm installing a Gem of 100-something MB here :P
both reference the second but with no explanation
mpapis: what explanation do you think is needed though - they're two methods which do different things, but are similar so they link to each other - what would you say?
chrisseaton, there is no documentation of += - would be good to state not obvious things
mpapis: but the documentation makes it clear what Array#+ does - it creates a copy, so I think that's really clear that += would create a copy. What you proposed with making += use concat would have to be documented as it breaks that pattern - as it currently is I can't see why any documentation is needed.
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mpapis: I do sort of see what you are saying, but I would ask you 'why did you think += would behave like concat? what in the docs lead you to that conclusion'
chrisseaton, my experience from other languages and plain logic, did not put much attention into the "description" of the + and there was no docs for +=
mpapis: I guess the problem is that Ruby doesn't really document semantics anywhere - you're right I'm not sure where += is documented, except in the books maybe
as I have mri bugtracker open already I will open a ticket
Hey guys how do I build RBX with debugging symbols?
./configure --debug-build
brixen thx
Hey brixen I'm playing with metrics I'm sending the metrcis to influxdb from C++
would you be interested in writing up how you did that for the blog?
did you write a custom emitter or are you using the statsd emitter?
I wrote an emitter :)
was there an issue with the statsd one?
nope I just was trying to setup statsd + graphite and I just ended up chasing my tail :p
yeah, graphite is a big pain
I went to influxdb site an really liked the db
apparently, there's a docker container for it
does influxdb not accept statsd?
or is there a statsd adapter?
I think it still does not support statsd
I'm not opposed to including other emitters, but I don't want extra maintenance if it's unnecessary
I understand I was just playing either way I've build the emitter uisng the influxdb-c libraries that are "*not_that_great tm :)" And are built on top of licbcurl
Hey brixen lets say I want to write a code that uses Rubinius::Metrics.data and spans a thread and periodically send data to influxdb. Is there an event from the vm when RBX is ready? at Ruby level?
goyox86: there's already a thread that sends the data to a location at a regular interval
so, that's not a great approach
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however, you can run a thread that sends the data in Rubinius::Metrics.data at a regular interval
it's updated transparently, and you shouldn't expect to synchronize with the metrics thread
so, no, there's no event and I won't be adding one
brixen That is what i'm talking about I have something like this https://gist.github.com/goyox86/4290e0c95abd86d76858. The thing is that I don't know how the workflow would be for building a tool (a gem) that is build on top of that
I think I'm missing something xD
OMG my writing is terrible I menat building a tool on top of that
meant* Llisus.
goyox86: don't worry, I'm having the same problem this morning!
goyox86: gotta run for now
goyox86: but the point is, you don't build on top of that
you build on top of influxdb or statsd etc
if there's no good adapter to influxdb, then we can include an emitter
brixen Roger that
you can make an emitter like your gist, but look at Rubinius::Config[:'system.metrics.interval']
sleep for that interval between writing your payload
that approach is *possible* but sub-optimal
(this is from Wikipedia, the only sane non academic super-complex to read example I could find)
* non super-complex
errr dat engrish
This is one of the areas where I wish I did actually pursued some kind of degree, perhaps it would've helped understanding all the darn formulas
or maybe I should've paid more attention to maths during high school, instead of re-programming my calculator and playing games on it
looks like dnsimple is still getting ddos'd so dunno if people will actually be able to install 2.4
Now I just need to figure out why this Python code uses an extra table for figuring out what rules to use
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dang, forgot to dedicate 2.4.0 to ez in the News file :(
I'll put it in the github release
@brixen I didn't know him but looked up to him and his passion. Considering going to his funeral, though I heard it was for friends and family only.
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any good link explaining what happened to ezra? it was shocking to hear of his passing but i haven’t found any details. he was a young guy!