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<yorickpeterse> morning
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<yorickpeterse> brixen: any plans on a new release for the 1.x branch? I'll actually look into potentially running this instead of REE, but I see you and sshao made a bunch of JIT changes and such since
<yorickpeterse> which would be nice to have I suppose
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<yorickpeterse> brixen: Hm, I can't even get 1.3.3 to install:
<yorickpeterse> I'll try from a Git tag instead
<yorickpeterse> errr master
<yorickpeterse> errr
<yorickpeterse> 1.8.7 branch :P
<yorickpeterse> Hm, getting the same on the 1.8.7 branch
<yorickpeterse> do I need 1.8 to build 1.3?
<yorickpeterse> hm nope, that fails too :/
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<brixen> yorickpeterse: releasing 1.4.0 as soon as I finish 2.4.2 and merge master into 1.8.7
<brixen> yorickpeterse: you should be able to build 1.3.4 with eg 1.9.3
<brixen> yorickpeterse: so, I have 1.4.0 locally, but I didn't push yet because of some issues fixed in trunk
<brixen> I can push it if it'll help you
<brixen> I can merge and do another release later
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<GitHub59> [rubinius] brixen created 1.4.0 (+8 new commits):
<GitHub59> rubinius/1.4.0 481f9cd Brian Shirai: Updated Changelog.
<GitHub59> rubinius/1.4.0 03305f3 Brian Shirai: Added News.
<GitHub59> rubinius/1.4.0 deec45c Brian Shirai: Updated .travis.yml.
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<brixen> yorickpeterse: try the 1.4.0 branch, it's almost parity with master for non-language specific features
<brixen> yorickpeterse: I'll work on that branch for the release
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<yorickpeterse> ok, I tried compiling with 2.1.4 btw
<|jemc|> does ruby-install handle installing the right LLVM to use? I'm thinking of recommending it to
<|jemc|> but I install from source and don't use ruby-install, so I don't know if it does
<yorickpeterse> |jemc|: Yes, it installs LLVM
<brixen> |jemc|: I'm going to make configure search a few places for llvm-config
<brixen> |jemc|: the problem on os x is that brew installs llvm keg only
<brixen> which is somewhat reasonable but also a pain
<brixen> the #1 thing we need to fix is depending on any ruby to build rbx releases
<brixen> the build system needs to have explicitly different systems for dev vs release / pkging
<brixen> that mean rewriting configure in simple sh
<brixen> anyone can get started on that :)
<brixen> please push to a public branch so I don't waste time redoing effort
<|jemc|> brixen: to clarify: `sh` and not `bash`?
<brixen> also, it would make sense to make even dev building not require Ruby
<brixen> and have a specific 1. bootstrap, 2. dev, 3. release build segregation
<brixen> |jemc|: we should probably try for sh
<brixen> people use zsh
<brixen> you can probably follow chruby's lead in the shell you write
<brixen> but they've had lots of issues
<brixen> even with bash 3 vs 4 features
<brixen> lowest common denominator, simplest possible code
<brixen> that's the best
<brixen> needs to just work
<|jemc|> heh, I agree it's best, but every time I try for sh I get frustrated and use bash features :P
<brixen> it needs these phases: 1. platform reqs, 2. pkg reqs, 3. libc reqs, 4. rbx options (eg bundled libyaml)
<|jemc|> or these days, when it's just for me I just use fish instead :)
<brixen> yeah, it's tempting
<brixen> that's why we've used Ruby for so long
<brixen> but it's the biggest problem with getting rbx in front of people
<brixen> and that problem really impairs our ability to deliver
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<brixen> in an internal event with a bunch of people, they basically divided into everyone who had rbx vi ruby-install and the 5 people who wanted to use rbenv
<|jemc|> yeah, it'll be especially important for titanius to be ruby-independent
<brixen> (which is fine, that's their choice)
<brixen> 30 min later with multiple people helping, including me, those 5 people still didn't have rbx running
<brixen> it's just stupid difficult
<brixen> s/vi/via/
<|jemc|> rbenv runs into the binstubs issue if you install from source
<brixen> yep
<brixen> and others
<brixen> anyway, it's extremely high priority to get rid of ruby dep to build rbx releases
<brixen> I guess I need to spend a couple days implementing Symbol GC too
<|jemc|> brixen: I take it you don't want to try to use autoconf to generate the configure script?
<brixen> nope nope nope nope
<brixen> :)
<yorickpeterse> brixen: melbourne still takes a shit
<yorickpeterse> Perhaps I'm running too-up-to-date stuff?
<yorickpeterse> hm, lemme try building with 1.9
<brixen> takes a shit on what?
<yorickpeterse> brixen: fails to install, it's the same error as I gisted before (
<yorickpeterse> nope, also fails on 1.9.3 :/
<brixen> I think there are two issues there
<brixen> one is your version of bison
<brixen> I need to remove that from building melbourne
<brixen> pretty sure jc00ke opened an issue about that
<yorickpeterse> I'm running Bison 3.0.2
<brixen> maybe he didn't though
<brixen> yeah, use 2.x
<brixen> bison 2.x
<yorickpeterse> blegh, multi-versions on Arch is a total pain
<brixen> lol, you merged that PR yorickpeterse :P
<yorickpeterse> I'll take a look at this monday, I have to run in a few minutes
<brixen> ok
<yorickpeterse> brixen: Yeah my brain is like cheese
<brixen> no worries
<brixen> mine is too, through all those holes I catch glimpses of past events
<brixen> anyway
<brixen> I need to remove generating the grammar and fix those issues for bison 3, obviously
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<brixen> again, we need to remove this from the basic dev build
<brixen> no one needs to care about this crap unless you're actually working on it
<brixen> but it impacts everyone constantly
<mustmodify> Strange question: does anyone know if there is a ruby function that will check a file to see if it's lexically parsable as ruby?
<mustmodify> kinda like ruby -c but via Ruby?
<brixen> nothing built-in in MRI that I know of
<mustmodify> oh now I feel like I missed something important. What needs to be removed from the dev build?
<brixen> you can use the parser directly in rbx to do that
<brixen> mustmodify: the build system needs to support 3 distinct uses: 1. bootstrapping (eg building the parser, compiler initially), 2. normal dev building to mod rbx, 3. release / pkg building
<brixen> uses 2 and 3 shouldn't depend on a Ruby
<mustmodify> sure.
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<mustmodify> Looking at the rubinius-melbourne repo, it seems like if I'm in RBX I need to require 'rubinius/melbourne/melbourne' to access Melbourne... but that doesn't work. How do I get access to it?
<brixen> mustmodify: Rubinius::ToolSets::Runtime::Melbourne
<mustmodify> brixen: thanks
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<brixen> mustmodify: so, one thing to think about is what a simpler API to this would look like
<brixen> mustmodify: that module nesting is necessary to support the rbx runtime compiler separate from eg the build compiler
<brixen> or from some other language's compiler
<brixen> but that makes it more cumbersome to use the tools
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<mustmodify> I'm sure there are a lot of pieces at play. Clearly I'm out of my depth here, but couldn't you do something like RubyParser = Rubinius::ToolSets::Runtime::Melbourne
<mustmodify> the trick would then be to encourage every version of Ruby to support the RubyParser interface. :)
<brixen> yeah, since Ruby has no concept of actual modules (vs Modules), this is pretty hard to do well
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<|jemc|> mustmodify: if you really need it to be cross-implementation try one of the parsing gems, like
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<tarcieri> | ___| _ \|_ _| _ \ / \\ \ / / | | |
<tarcieri> | |_ | |_) || || | | |/ _ \\ V /| | | |
<tarcieri> | _| | _ < | || |_| / ___ \| | |_|_|_|
<tarcieri> |_| |_| \_\___|____/_/ \_\_| (_|_|_)
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<yorickpeterse> random thought: write our GC in Ruby
<yorickpeterse> so you can GC the GC
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<|jemc|> yorickpeterse: heh, finally
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<yorickpeterse> OS X, it "just" works
<yorickpeterse> except when Apple decides the change LLVM, or any other part
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