goyox86_, |jemc|: playing around with the influxdb-grafana container on my DO droplet, thanks for building that!
brixen: happy to contribute
I think the future of rubinius is bright, and want to do my part to get it there
thank you!
responding to your email now, btw
it's kinda crazy how difficult it still is to distribute stuff
sweet, thanks
I think we can leverage Docker a great deal
the grafana docker container never got to where I wanted to to be
it still is not self-contained enough
was going to play with an Atom plugin but went down the Docker rabbit hole...
"I'll just try this on OS X... oh, maybe my droplet..." 2 hrs later heh
the need for the js code in the browser to connect back to the docker container is the biggest problem
something rendered server-side would be better in this regard
yeah, I think static html rendered server side would be good
I thought goyox86 was looking into a couple other options with that in mind, but hadn't talked about it with him since
there's a ton of room for improvement, of course
pretty sure I have a "Systems as a Service" post in the near future :)
need to draw some contours and start filling in the pieces
unfortunately, every SaaS thing I see is basically, "pay us to run our code on our servers"
Rubinius as a service
which is really missing the boat
why should I need an account with NewRelic or Skylight or anything like this
Just think of the marketing: "Featuring a cloud based Just In Time Compiler"
at most I should be able to grab a token from an account provider, use that token to use a service (eg render my metrics data) and be on my way
brixen: well, convenience is the biggest reason
e.g. we ran our own stack for metrics and all that (logstash, kibana and some custom stuff) but it's a total pain to _also_ maintain that
it's not convenient to need a separate account for all this stuff when I could just get tokens from one account
oh true, it would be nice if it was unified
yep, that's my point about systems as a service
it *shouldn't* be a pain to maintain all that stuff
that's what I should be able to pay for, for a few fractions of a cent / hour, etc
It's not just the technical stuff, it's also part psychological
e.g. I don't want to even think of having to maintain an ElasticCache cluster, even if it were 100% bulletproof
"I want to store my statsd metrics" and later "I want to render my statsd metrics"
I should be able to compose those programmatically
it goes deeper than convenience, too
What I would like is some metrics app that goes beyond the initial 10%
witness Skylight's supposedly MRI-specific agent (depends on some C-API crap)
New Relic is nice, but it abstracts things far too much
it's the idea that a coherent service needs some sort of end-to-end thing (including an account with them)
Boo, the only way to get grafana is from an unencrpyted s3?
cpuguy83: that seems weird
they aren't on github?
Well, other than GH
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brixen: well, with Rbx you could solve this by basically dumping the metrics in JSON somewhere on a webserver, then just point a local docker thing to it
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That way you only need to have a webserver (perhaps with some authentication), but chances are that's already present
yorickpeterse: yep
we're building out some of those pieces
the instrumentation bytecode are the next big component
this is actually what I did for a while: have a local version of Kibana running and point it straight to our elasticsearch server
rendering the NewRelic or Skylight generic one-size-never-works approach obsolete
brixen: not entirely
One of the nice features is that you can attach custom metrics, or visualize them over time, something Rbx can't do atm
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errr custom metadata
it's not implemented yet but will be soon
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brixen I love RBX, as <|jemc|> says RBX future is bright :)
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